Belrun is so close to getting this damned flu strain to calm down in this one egg. She copies the change across to a few more eggs' worth, iterates, writes everything down, and Fetches the egg that is getting scary into her pot of simmering water before it makes a break for it. It's getting on toward dark and if she keeps working she's going to have to do it by candlelight, and she doesn't like that - it's already too easy to bump into things when she can see them. She calls it a day and closes up the lab for the night and heads out to walk over to the university cafeteria. It's a nice evening, and it's Flatbread Night, and she's in a generally good mood.
"That does sound... embarrassing's one word for it, I guess. So since it's a Foresight dream can you alter its contents by making different plans? - also if I'm there how did you not know who I am."
"The dream setting has never changed despite both of our plans being very different as a direct result of its existence, so, I guess that no. And, I had wondered who you were! The dream was originally quite vague – I know that you are here, that I have given you kind of an absurd number of artifacts to keep you safe and also comfortable, and I know that you are important for some reason, but not your name, let alone the rest. I had been assuming you were a person I would end up recruiting much later."
"Well, I was very comfortable, but there goes my plan to leave myself notes. I wonder what would be in the notebook that must be included - there has to be one, I always have one -"
"Every two to four weeks on average, in the past. More likely to happen when I have just learned something new, or he has. I suppose you count."
Dark look. "Most likely. Vanyel and I are both very confused about what the gods are hoping to accomplish with it, though, given that the two of us speaking does not seem to actually help with the goal of causing him to murder me."
"One could ask the same question about, uh, us. Do they definitely all hate you? I mean, Astera doesn't seem to mind you using her hierarchy for mail service."
"Some seem much closer to neutral. Astera is a minor deity relative to most of the others and does not appear inclined to interfere with that system."
"How do you tell which gods are doing a thing if they don't kinda sign their name? I don't think anyone's sure who handles Companions unless the Companions do and aren't telling, for instance."
"Some have signature methods - for example, Vkandis is occasionally fond of striking people with lightning bolts to make a point. The Star-Eyed has Her spirit warriors, Vkandis has Suncats. Also if something is clearly within one territory - Karse, or the Pelagirs - that is a hint. And of course if the gods scheme by sending visions to priests and such, generally They do so to members of a religious order that worships Them. Often, however, it is not clear which god is responsible for something."
"Why are you classifying Astera as 'more neutral'? You're using her religious hierarchy to pass your mail, that has to be incredibly open to sabotage on her part, and she hasn't touched it! Someone who had no opinion on you at all might still object to the co-opting of their stuff."
"...I suppose that is a fair point. Though as far as I can tell Astera does not interface directly with that priesthood in any way and has not for centuries. Perhaps She does not consider it to be among Her possessions, if that is even how gods think of things."
"I have theories and quite a lot of notes, but," he looks down at his empty porridge bowl, "are you going to be late for classes?"
"The one I'm teaching is in the afternoon and I don't feel nearly as bad about skipping the ones I'm taking, though I guess all else being equal it would be nice to show up and that would involve leaving now, yes."
"Up to you, if you're interested in a lecture on the circulatory system and a survey course on economics."
“If you think it would stand out a great deal, I could find somewhere to wait nearby...” Being highly conspicuous also seems bad although maybe Leareth is just being unreasonably paranoid. It’s very irritating how all the lifebond emotions make it hard to tell if his paranoia is reasonable or not.
"I mean, if anyone's paying attention they'll notice you're following me around, right, and that might actually be weirder if you're not also sitting in on the classes."
"Fair enough." At least that will also give him the advantage that if anyone does come after her then he'll be right there.
So she walks him to her room to pick up her school stuff and they attend a lecture on the circulatory system and she takes a lot of notes and asks a question about capillaries and then they attend her economics seminar and it's about currency exchange and she takes a lot of notes on that too and then it's lunchtime and they can go to the cafeteria. No one tries to assassinate her the whole time. Someone does ask her who Leareth is in econ and she tells them "he's my lifebonded" and they say "that's new" and she says "yes it is" but that's the end of it.