Belrun is so close to getting this damned flu strain to calm down in this one egg. She copies the change across to a few more eggs' worth, iterates, writes everything down, and Fetches the egg that is getting scary into her pot of simmering water before it makes a break for it. It's getting on toward dark and if she keeps working she's going to have to do it by candlelight, and she doesn't like that - it's already too easy to bump into things when she can see them. She calls it a day and closes up the lab for the night and heads out to walk over to the university cafeteria. It's a nice evening, and it's Flatbread Night, and she's in a generally good mood.
"How about I take another turn with a song."
Leareth does so, then Vanyel sings a very silly bawdy song that he can barely keep a straight face through, and then the dream-sky starts dissolving.
"Until we meet again," Leareth says–
–and Belrun will wake up back in bed with him.
It's still dark out.
"I am sorry," Leareth says, also sounding groggy. "I would have warned you but I did not expect - that to happen."
"Mmm-hmm." Leareth wraps his arms around her and falls asleep again.
They both sleep pretty late and wake up with sunlight creeping through the curtains.
"Mmm...?" Leareth opens his eyes, sleepily hugs her, sits up. "Probably unsurprisingly, it is a rather long story. I am sorry to drag you into it unexpectedly like that. I have been having that dream for...thirteen years, now? So there is a great deal of context. Roughly, it appears that Vanyel is the gods' Chosen One to fight me, but both of us take some issue with this and have been trying to figure out if there is a better way to resolve it. He does not trust me at all, which is honestly very reasonable on his part, so that has provided difficulty."
"I have many reactions to that but for some reason my first one was 'you are only allowed to send me to Valdemar as a hostage if I know what's going on'."
That earns her a very startled look. "How would that– oh, as a way to earn more of his trust?"
"I mean, it'd probably work. But it would be very unpleasant and I don't really want to so I would need to know why."
"I was not at all considering asking you to do that!" The idea makes him feel very scared, which is a strange thing to experience because Leareth isn't scared very often. "I do owe you the full story, though, in any case. Breakfast first?"
"Rana'll be at work already, I'll get something." She smooches the top of his head and gets a change of clothes out of the drawer reserved for her in the dresser. "There's probably a better way to handle your situation but I don't know so I'm wildly guessing. You're so jumpy about me - do you normally do that deadpan with Vanyel literally all the time, he must be so bewildered -"
"...Yes? Or, well, that is - just the way that I am, normally, I am not used to it requiring effort as it did this time."
Leareth puts on his clothes from yesterday (he really ought to go buy more sets of clothing if he's going to be in town much longer, he packed lightly.) "Am I really jumpy about you?" he says, following her to the kitchen.
"I think so? You freak out when I trip, you get spooked when I idly suggest traveling to Valdemar as a gesture of good faith even though I'm right here and have no travel plans..."
"I suppose that would qualify. Is everybody not like that in relationships? I do not want anything bad to happen to you!"
"I mean, most people aren't lifebonded and don't have immediate feedback on every misstep taken when they're not even around, but also it's kind of an overreaction. I've been assuming it'll calm down. Obviously you don't fall over as often as I do but I think the way I became alarmed when you unwisely got out of bed too early was comparatively restrained."
"...Perhaps. I have been murdered kind of a lot and it is possible I am - more jumpy than most people and more likely to assume danger - as a result."
"It's also possible I'm calmer because I figure if you get murdered I will putter along for a month or so and then you'll pop up?"
"Fair enough. I will try very hard not to get murdered because it would be inconvenient and also make you sad."
"...Also that, yes. I already try very hard not to get murdered and that is a reason, but now I have an additional reason of it making you sad, although - I am really not sure where I would put any more paranoia about not being murdered, short of never leaving a safe bunker up north, so perhaps I cannot."
"I should probably tell the dean I will not be available to teach microbio again next term today. I should possibly tell him I need to cancel the rest of the term."