You guys captured Purity?
Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
I hope I'm in a better mood by Sunday; I'd hate to show up and then hide under a blanket all day. That would be totally contrary to the spirit of the enterprise.
Yup! And I'd pet you and your adorable fluffy tail and we'd kiss and talk about how we're going to save the world and that'd make you feel better about stuff.
Of all the people whose rooms I could have suddenly appeared in, I'm definitely pleased with the one I got.
Anyway, I wanted to ask earlier but forgot, and if you don't wanna talk about this subject anymore that's fine, but why don't they let you apologize to Purity?
Apparently no one's supposed to talk to her? Which sounds cruel to me, but it might just have been an excuse concealing some other, less cruel reason.
Well, maybe? That's actually a good idea, but if it's not the civilian identity thing then I dunno. Maybe they're just evil or something.
I don't think they're actually evil. I do think they're neither as smart nor as good as they like to think.
Nope! I'm already too overconfident for my tastes, saying I'm exactly as smart or as good as I think I am won't actually help.