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Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
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Happy sighs abound.

"Mm you know, if we're gonna actually fall asleep snuggling, it might be best to have another shower," he says into Ashras' skin.

"We planned this date so badly at every level," giggles Ashras. "We're going to need to get better at that if we're serious about saving the world." He ruffles Sadde's hair.


Sadde makes a noise that could possibly be called the human equivalent of a purr. "To be fair, I was kinda hoping something like this would happen after the explosions, but my expectations have been exceeded."


"I was expecting some kissing after the explosions. I was not expecting what actually happened."


He giggles. "I am feeling very happy and smug about this," he voices his earlier thoughts.


Ashras laughs. "You're very cute."


"It's very good for the ego when a cute boy calls you cute," he says, grinning. "So thank you."


Giggle. Hug.


", about that shower."

Definitely time for that shower.

Mmhm. The sticky mess is, as has been remarked, only charming for a while, and hugs tend to highlight that fact.

So: shower.

Showers are compatible with hugs and kisses, though, so that's fine.

Yup! Those things will happen, with occasional pauses for soaping each other up (at some point Sadde kneels to make sure Ashras is thoroughly clean and plants a kiss somewhere).


Ashras giggles.


And then they are squeaky clean (again) with no plans of needing another shower (tonight).


"...Should I go home before we get carried away again?" laughs Ashras.


He grins. "I am quite certain I won't, I'm dead tired. And I would not object to your sleeping here, but I understand if the not-needing-eight-hours thing or the this-is-our-second-date thing or other unmentioned things are dealbreakers. I did buy a queen-sized air mattress the other day, though, so if your only objections are getting carried away and sleeping space..."


"I could sleep here," he says. "I mean, assuming you don't mind if I get up in the middle of the night and leave."


"I don't, as I'll be by assumption asleep and not in any state to object," he laughs. "Falling asleep with you is likely one of the better ways of falling asleep."


"Okay then."


So Sadde finds the uninflated inflatable mattress in his closet and conjures a thing to inflate it and the thing inflates it and now it is inflated. He grabs his pillow, grabs another for Ashras, flops down onto the mattress, bouncing a little (because: inflatable mattress), and then pats the space in front of himself.

Ashras curls up next to him in a snuggly fashion.

A curled-up Ashras is pretty damn small.

"And here I was, thinking you couldn't be cuter, and then you go ahead and prove me wrong."

He giggles.

(For a brief moment when the light catches them just right, his eyes flash a shimmering green instead of their normal pale silvery grey.)

"...that was creepy. The eye thing. Also cute. Also hot." Pause. "I have not revised my estimate of how likely I am to get carried away tonight, but still." Snuggle!

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