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Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
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"Maybe. Maybe you should blow something else up and find out."

"I think I very much should. How about a train on another one of those platforms?"

Those things are conjured.

Ashras bounces excitedly.




Sadde will now be so extremely kissed.


Eeeee extreme kisses! Nonverbal appreciation of these extreme kisses!


Explosions are very exciting and Ashras is very excited.


Sadde doesn't find explosions that exciting but he finds Ashras' excitement very contagiously exciting!

Well, that works out pretty nicely, then.

Mmmm, kisses.

"We are so going to save the world."

He giggles. "We so are. Though these puny explosions probably won't be enough."


"We can make bigger explosions. How big an explosion would you like?"


"That depends on whether a higher number of progressively bigger explosions makes you more or less excited than a single super-giant explosion."

Ashras giggles. "If you'd like me as excited as possible, I have just the thing..."

He unpockets some sketched weapon plans and explains the design. Brass, steel, and gold, in tightly interlocking pieces, with complex engravings. "Can you make me one of these? Wand-sized to start, so if it explodes harder than I expect it to it won't be too bad?"

He does. "Don't squint at them too hard."


"Squint in what sense?"


"In the 'examine' sense. If you try to examine my stuff too closely it pops."

"Well, luckily I don't need to examine it to use it."

He looks (not too hard) at his new three-metal wand.

"...I think I want to be higher up when I test this," he says. "I've only seen one of these used before once, but it was pretty dramatic. I don't want it to catch a nearer target than I mean it to and blow up in our faces."

"Alright," he says agreeably, and hovers behind Ashras—so he'll have an unobstructed view of whatever—and wraps his arms around his waist, then up they go.

Ashras giggles.

Up, up, up...

"Okay, that's high enough," he says.

He aims the wand at the ocean. He activates its complex magical field.

A blazing beam of light and fire erupts from the end of the wand, flashing down toward the water's surface with a brief but intense roaring noise. A moment later it strikes, and the resulting explosion sends up a plume of steam and water droplets three times as high as the hovering pair of capes.

Ashras cackles.

Sadde giggles, and nuzzles Ashras' neck. "What was that?" he wonders.


"Alloying different metals will produce one or the other effect, or a new one if the alloy hits a distinct magical resonance; combining different metals in a single weapon produces effects that combine the properties of the components. Force, light, and fire combine into... that. It's really hard to manufacture them, but you don't have to manufacture things, you can just make them exist. I don't even think we can test the cannon-sized version of that here; somebody might think the city was under attack."


Mmm... neck kisses. That's a good response to that, is neck kisses. "What-all are the metals that produce things, and what do they produce?"


"That's very distracting," he says, curling his tail around Sadde's leg. "Um, let's see. Brass is force, silver is stun, copper is lightning, gold is light, steel is fire, bronze I think does an energy blast that's usually considered inferior to just using force or fire, something or other does a freeze blast and it might be platinum... I don't know the whole list."


Sadde continues being distracting while Ashras lists the things, then asks, "Aren't there, like, super rare metals I could produce that might have arbitrary weird effects?"


"Yes there are," says Ashras. "And I am absolutely going to draw up a plan for having you conjure various weapon designs in various metals to find out what they do. But I need to refresh my memory of the stuff I actually know first. And I underestimated how much going out to a secluded place and blowing up the ocean together would make me want to kiss you."

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