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Glam and Ashras in Wormverse
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"Right then," says Ashras. "Here is a force wand." He pulls it from its holster and shows it to Glam. "Can you conjure a scaled-up copy as tall as I am?"



"You're so convenient," he says, taking the conjured staff and aiming it at a patch of ocean.

Force blasts, it turns out, don't look like much when they're in the air. They travel in a straight line from source to destination as a barely-visible ripple, at a speed somewhere between 'arrow' and 'bullet', making a sound like a large piece of cloth being torn in half. And when the blast strikes the surface of the water, it hits like a thrown anvil, kicking up an enormous violent splash.

Ashras smiles.

"So far so good."

"Want me to conjure anything other than water for you to practice on?"


"The water works pretty well for force, but I'll want something else to catch the lightning," he says. "For now, though: how about one of these that's twenty feet long?"


He can have one of those, since he's asking so nicely and makes such cute faces while he does it.

He grins.

He puts his hands on one end of the resulting force cannon, and fires it at the ocean.

The ripple in the air is approximately the size of a grand piano, and the splash that ensues when it hits the water is enormous.

Ashras laughs with delight.

"You're adorable when you're causing destruction," they say, and—


—decide that they're far enough away from the shore that he doesn't need the mask so he can properly kiss Ashras' cheek.


Ashras giggles and hugs him.


"Is there a way to test force blasts that doesn't—wait, I could conjure like a wall or something that looks like what would be here if we weren't to hide the explosions. Yes, I'll do that."

He does that. It's fairly dark, no one's looking that way, problems are avoided.

"Okay, before I get too carried away, do you want to show off some destruction too?"


"I suppose? What do you want me to show?"


He shrugs. "I don't have anything specific in mind, I just think explosions are exciting."


He giggles. "Well, if you believe really hard in me, I could probably blow up a freighter boat!"


"I can do that."


"Well, then let's do that!" Pause. "Bigger wall, first. Okay, now freighter boat. Hmm, this might make a lot of noise." So the platform they're standing on grows propellers that start pushing it even farther away from the shore.


"You have such a useful power."

"I know," he says, grinning.

Push push push, the shore is quite far away now.

Freighter boat: exists.

Turret gun: exists.

Ashras: is excited.

Aaaand... fire!

It's really good that they're so far away from shore because boom. Even Sadde's surprised. "That's some pretty fine believing you did there."

"...I need to kiss you now," says Ashras.

"You won't see me objecting," he says, giggling.


Great. Then Ashras will kiss him. Very enthusiastically.

Yayyy enthusiastic kissing!

"Does exploding things always get you like this?"
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