Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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"Because you're not very good at this."


"Yeah," she admits, because, well, she isn't. "But how is my not being very good at this going to influence the plan if it depends on you yourself acting as if you'd captured me?"


"I didn't have a plan for capturing you and now I haven't captured you so I have to pretend and it'll look weird."


...she sighs and shakes her head. "Alright, nevermind that plan, don't pretend you've captured me, I'm just gonna be honest and such."


No reply.


She considers letting him order her to be honest with him so they can have a conversation but—not a good idea. Nope. She'll be silent and be led.


It's a really fucking long walk. At one point they have to go around a wide lake.

"How much longer will it take?"


"I don't know, I don't walk this route."


"How long would it have taken flying, and can you carry me, and if so how long do you expect it to take that way?"


"Four and a half hours, no."

" Okay, uh... I have enough stuff to survive here for three days, let's see..."

She looks around for somewhere secluded where she could stay mostly hidden.

Yellow can't lead her if she's not following; he lands.


"You don't need to lead me anymore, by the way, just help me find a good place nearby for me to stay mostly hidden."


He looks. Inefficiently.

Ugh, whatever, she doesn't—ugh. She needs to work on order design.

She finds a little nook a ways from a small stream and shows it to Yellow. "What's the best way to get your vassal—Promise here?" she asks, taking in as much detail of her surrounding as she can: temperature, wind, light, time of day...

"I can fly there and order her here."

She sits cross-legged.

"Before performing these orders, listen to them all and then tell me how you expect this to fail, taking into account Promise's mentioned ingenuity, and wait for me to patch any holes needed. Fly there and order her here, taking no actions you do not honestly believe I would fully approve of, and come with her. If I'm not here when you return, wait with her until I'm back, once again taking no actions you do not honestly believe I would fully approve of, and extending that restriction to Promise herself. In particular, do not give Promise my name nor attempt to become her vassal by any means or to make her into my master in any way you might know how or she might devise, and do your best to respect the spirit of these orders as you honestly understand it, including preventing Promise from breaking it."
Yellow's silent.

Maybe he doesn't expect it to fail.

She decides there's no such thing as too much paranoia. "Do you not see a way for this to fail, or did I unwittingly phrase this in such a way as to allow you to not tell me if you had?"


"I don't see a way for it to fail."


"In that case, perform the actions as described."


He flies away.

And she has to wait.

They'll be back in approximately nine hours, and she's quite sure something will go wrong, because of course it will. So she starts studying the harmonics of the area to see if she can make a gate to her place.

The harmonics are pretty bog standard for Fairyland.

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