Sadde and Isabella in Eclipse
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"I'm aware that it is a false and damaging stereotype that switches don't care for monogamy. But some people don't care for monogamy. What are your dispositions there?"

He has to take a moment there, because it's one thing for a dom to be all, well, dommy around him and with him, and a whole 'nother to ask—

"Um," he starts eloquently. "I don't really, um, have enough practical experience to tell. Nonmonogamy seems, overall, desirable? But not strictly required, there are other things that can be more desirable than that." Like you continuing to look at me that way.

"I ask because I have never had a sub before but strongly suspect based on extensive self-examination that I do not share. And I'm not sure exactly how long it would take this characteristic to kick in, is why I'm asking now."


He completely fails to suppress the shiver, and casts his eyes down. "That thing you said right there, the way you said it? In practice, way more desirable than theoretical ideals of nonmonogamy. I think."


"You think."


"I—I m—mean, umm, I always have to, to leave some room for the possibility that I'm, wrong. Even if I'm very very sure I'm not." Shiver.


Do the thing again, look at him like that again, pet him again, or something. "Definitely like that a lot, though."


"See, you're quite adorable. But I'm not sure if your brain's doing the thinking when you say how sure you are about the tradeoff under discussion. Are you?"


Pause. "Can I have a minute to think?"


"Of course."

So he thinks.

"Yes. Yes I'm sure," he eventually decides.
"All right then." She bops him on the head with the curled end of her cane, gently. "If you're still sure tomorrow, meet me at six at the taqueria in town, it's the first bus stop after the campus one, can't miss it."

And she plants her cane on the ground and gets up. "Look after my dishes for me."

"Yes, ma'am," he says, his voice quivering a bit, and gets up to start doing just that.

She smiles at him. "Good boy."

And taps away.

Christ, he'll need a long shower after this.
There are three showers associated with his hall! Two of them are empty when he gets there.

It's not the most private possible arrangement but there is a curtain.

Fuck privacy, he can be silent.


Then nobody will be any the wiser.


And the following day, she's at the taqueria at 5:53PM.

Isabella's bus comes from the other direction five minutes later; she must have been in town for other purposes. The bus does the kneely thing for her and she leans on the banister on the way out but makes it to the sidewalk without mishap.

"Hello there."

"Hello, ma'am," she says, and curtseys a little.


Isabella reaches up to ruffle her hair. "Do you like Mexican food? If you don't there's other options, this place is just easy to find and has good sopapillas."


She grins. "I do like Mexican."

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