Sadde and Isabella in Eclipse
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He grins. "Did you come here straight from boot camp? I think you said something to that effect but I'm not sure I trust my memory."


"I had a couple weeks at home with Renée - my mom - and Alex and a weekend with my my dad Charlie, gaining fifteen pounds on real food and learning to walk with the cane, and then here, yeah."


"Oh, getting back to real food was great, best part," he laughs.


"Yeah, like, they technically feed you in training, but not so you'd notice, first thing I ate half a pizza and a milkshake!"


Yeah, they do, don't they. "The very first thing I did was a bag of chips. And an apple, and a donut."


"After the pizza and the milkshake I grazed on fruit pretty much constantly for like a day."


"I ate a whole lot of pasta for dinner and that was it, really."


"It took me a while to get over it, I kept remembering that I liked things and needing to eat them right then. Renée thought it was a riot. She made me learn to make my own nachos though."


"Yeah, I actually kinda got used to not eating too much, after a bit. You call your mom by her name?"


"Not to her face. I just have the habit when my parents aren't around of just saying Renée and Charlie."


"That's interesting. Why?"


"I've done it basically as long as I can remember, so I don't recall actually making a decision about it, but I suspect my logic was 'wait, Mommy and Daddy have names? What's all this 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' nonsense about then?' but figured that they may have had some reason for introducing themselves that way so continued to respect their preferences in their presence."


" you sounds really cute."


"Baby me was a tad excitable and prone to recklessness."


"Also very dramatic." Pause. "That maybe continues to be the case."


"In what way are you dramatic?"


"Oh, you know, happiness is unending joy, sadness is catastrophe, there's some looking into the horizon with longing..." He does the thing, in a very 'sub protagonist of romantic movie' way.


"Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, there actually isn't any longing looks." Pause. "This somehow proves my point, I think."


"You think exaggerating about looking longingly at the horizon is more dramatic than actually doing it?"


"Well, I did actually do it in the course of demonstrating what I meant. And I did it in a very meta-dramatic way, too, in that I didn't actually need to do it because that's not a thing I do, except when I'm making points about my being dramatic."


"What's your brother like?"

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