Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
"I don't think I could describe a three-dimensional key verbally even if I wasn't missing so much blood," the angel apologizes. "The High Priest's chambers are down the hall - I saw a cloud of mist go that way a little while ago, you might be able to catch him while he's still re-forming?"
As they approach the High Priest's chambers, they hear swearing and spellcasting.
Belmarniss signs this information to Deekin, whose comp lang is presumably still working.
Before they can open the door to Sodalis's chambers, it flies open on its own, and Sodalis comes storming out, shrouded in swirling darkness. "Pathetic mortals! You shall fall before the might of V-"
Garrus shoots him in the chest. The vampire hisses loudly, channels a wave of negative energy over everyone present, and begins casting a long-range Harm.
It's a close thing, but this time the High Priest's spell fizzles. He hisses again.
Deekin casts Glitterdust, but the vampire's eyes close in time.
While his eyes are closed, though, Garrus shoots him in the chest, and with another burst of negative energy, Sodalis evaporates. His mist retreats back into his chamber.
Indeed it is.
Among his personal effects they find a glowing sphere about a foot in diameter, which would probably fit in the north door's depression; a lever with spiky protrusions and a sizable ruby on the non-spiked end; and a glowing sword, which Deekin identifies as celestial in origin.
They return to the room with the diabolical machine. The angel looks excited upon seeing the lever. "Thank you - I heard your fight with the High Priest, I'm sorry I couldn't help."
When the lever is pulled, the energy field dissolves, and the celestial clambers effortfully to her feet. "Greater Restoration," she casts, and with a shower of blue and gold sparks, her skin goes from a pallid, milky green to a rich emerald. "Oh, that feels so much better - thank you for freeing me." She bows to Belmarniss. "Are you one of the drow rebels? I was sent from Celestia to help them, but... I got rather lost... and then those necromancers captured me, and used my blood as a component for their necromancy, and I'm afraid I've rather made a mess of things."
"Oh! Well, if you're working with them, I'm supposed to help you, that's quite straightforward. I'd be helping you anyway, of course, you freed me, but- well, do you have any questions for me?"
"There anything else we have to worry about in this building besides the seven vampires and couple mohrgs? We're supposed to disrupt the undead supply chain, do they ship those out as soon as they're made or store some on site?"
"Usually they'd have more undead in here, but they've been trying to keep up with the Valsharess's demands and she wanted more undead than they could make at a time - I heard that high priest complaining about it - so they've been having to strip their own forces and send them to her along with the new creations. Now that the cult are dead, the undead soldiers will be rampaging through her forces, which is also good. As far as other things to worry about go, there's not really anything left except, um. Vix'thra."
"Gonna make a wild guess that's the dragon statue. Second dragon statue we have met this week."
"Oh, no, the statue is just a statue of him - I think it's enchanted in some way, but I don't think it's a serious threat. Vix'thra is a dracolich - he was an ancient black dragon in life, but now he's much worse. His lair is in the cave behind the door to the north of the central chamber."