belmarniss in neverwinter expansion content
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Deekin casts Mage Armor on Jojo, as he definitely has every morning since they started adventuring together. "Belmarniss want Mage Armor too? Deekin got lots of first-level spells, usually not use them all."


"Sure, thanks."


Deekin Mage Armors Belmarniss, then. "Belmarniss got long-term spells to cast before party heads back to root out rakshasa?"


"Fox's Cunning, Fox's Cunning. Cat's Grace." Eyeroll. "Protection from Evil."


"Thanks," Garrus says of the Cunning.


And Jojo leads them back to the rakshasa lair. "Short-term spells, before we move in?"


"Haste," Deekin incants.


Belmarniss decides to go ahead and use a shield out of the staff, then poises to cast her shiny new sorcerer form of dispel magic with her left hand, and with the right she thumbs-ups.


"Sanctify Weapons," he incants, before yanking open the door. "We're here to destroy you, minions of evil!"

Shareesh sighs heavily, shimmering into the form of a rakshasa. "I suppose I owe you their hearts, Ranveer, Amol," he says, looking bored. The two men behind him, now tiger-headed fiends themselves, perform a strange gesture, striking the backs of their hands together. "Let's collect, shall we? Haste."


"Dispel Magic. Quickened steal breath."


Shareesh looks very indignant to be counterspelled! The Steal Breath slides off his spell resistance.

Jojo lunges for Shareesh, who twirls a double-bladed sword coruscating with electricity. However, with a swift kick to the crotch, Jojo lowers the rakshasa's guard and gets in three swift strikes, which seem to really hurt.


Garrus, seeing that Jojo seems to have the leader under control, turns his aim on the first of his minions. He looses a total of six arrows.

All six find their target. The rakshasa drops. "Yes," Garrus hisses gleefully.


The second minion looks absolutely enraged, and turns a Cone of Cold on the party.

Deekin is struck full-force; Garrus is clipped. Belmarniss takes a pretty significant hit.

Deekin continues humming, running in to stab the second minion with Enserric. He only manages to pink him, but it's a victory for the kobold regardless.


"Lesser Globe of Invulnerability. Quickened Burning Disarm," she adds, of the electric sword.


Shareesh grits his teeth and holds on to the burning blade, turning it on Jojo. He swings it so fast it can hardly be seen blurring through the air, but Jojo dodges every strike and returns the favor with his own attacks. He hits once, twice, three times, and Shareesh crumples.


And Garrus fills the third rakshasa with arrows, and he falls.

"Wow that was easier than that last fight," he says happily. "I loved that."


"If I'd known it would be that fast I would have made different tactical choices."


"Better to be overprepared than underprepared, I'd say."


"Deekin detecting illusion magic," Deekin says, "hang on."

Deekin casts Dispel, revealing... a sizable mound of humanoid bones in the corner, gnawed clean by feline teeth. "Ooh. Deekin will search for loot."


"Best part." Belmarniss mends her pants where the cone of cold froze and shattered the fabric.


Garrus, investigating the rakshasa themselves, comes up with a Ring of Spell Storing, a Ring of Wizardry, and an Amulet of Proof against Detection. He hefts the double-bladed sword for a moment, then hisses and drops it. "That's either Unholy or Axiomatic," he says, shaking his hand out, "and I think either means it might be worth it to carry around long enough to get it to a dealer. Thoughts?"


"Stuff it in Deekin's bag?" she asks, taking off her ring of protection to investigate the ring of spell storing's contents.


It contains a casting of Vampiric Shadow Shield.

"We could wrap it in cloth so it doesn't puncture the interior, yeah."


Deekin, from the bone pile, comes up with a Sustaining Spoon, a Decanter of Endless Water, and a slightly battered tome which turns out to be a spellbook. "Ooh. Deekin think Belmarniss want to look at this, maybe?"


"Ooh yes I do."

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