Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
And there's some kind of... mouse-person? Sitting with them, enjoying a bowl of what looks to be plain rice.
They're chatting in the manner of acquaintances, or possibly just unusually friendly strangers.
No one stops her, though she gets a couple of double-takes and at least one hostile look from the non-adventurer patrons of the inn.
The lizardfolk gives her an appraising glance as she passes. "Are you that fourth adventurer Durnan's been waiting for? If so, welcome. If not, welcome anyway, I'm not stingy."
"Great! Want to sit at the big kids' table, then? Deekin can regale you with the best-selling tale of his adventures in Undrentide, and Jojo can tell you how he singlehandedly saved Neverwinter."
"I did have help," Jojo says in a quiet, deep voice. "And I'm not one for boasting, really - I simply do what must be done."
"Well, sure, you do what must be done, but then you get to talk yourself up - that's half the point."
"Deekin think good story be most of point," the kobold muses, not looking up from his tome. "If no good story, Deekin might as well just stay home."
"I mostly haven't stumbled into any adventures that really musted at me. Some people have all the luck."
"You kidding? You had great luck. That quest was morally unambiguous, epic in scope, paid for by the government... A little bit incomprehensible towards the end by all accounts, but that's nothing for you to worry about, that's the bards' problem."
"Wow. That one's new on me. Uh, do you in fact want to tell this story or should I?"
"Alright. So, there was this big magic-resistant plague in the city of Neverwinter, right? Jojo here was a monk in the service of Tyr in that city, when suddenly the Lady Aribeth, this big-time paladin higher-up, comes to him and says, basically, 'we screwed up.' They'd brought in some magical creatures to use parts of them to make a cure for the plague, but the creatures escaped. So Jojo and some compatriots hunt down the creatures, and they make the cure, and along the way it turns out the plague was actually an enemy action, and Aribeth's boyfriend was in on it. So he gets executed. Now, they're searching for who sent the plague in the first place, and Aribeth's having a real hard time because her boyfriend got killed. Jojo finds out the plague was inflicted by this archmage from Luskan, and whoops-a-daisy, Aribeth vanishes, and next thing anyone knows she's a blackguard leading a Luskan army against Neverwinter. But Jojo found out along the way that the archmage is looking for these ancient artifacts called the Words of Power, and the best idea anybody has is 'find them before he does'. So they do. And it turns out along the way that the archmage is a servant of the ancient lizardfolk - no relation - who ruled the world before the dragons, and they want to turn the planet into an eternal jungle and rule again, and so they're puppeteering this archmage, and that's why the plague and that's why the Words of Power. And then Jojo vanquishes Aribeth in single combat and defeats the archmage and uses the Words to go into the pocket dimension with the ancient lizardfolk and kill their evil queen. And we're all very proud of him."
"The pocket dimension collapsed without Morag to sustain it," Jojo says quietly. "I believe any who were not personally devoted to Morag and her plan of conquest had already perished in the ice age, however."
"Wow, rough day to be a lizardfolk who found a qualm under the couch cushions though."
"Yes," Jojo says. "It was the most important thing I have ever done, but it may be the one that has made me lose the most sleep."
"Most important thing you done yet," Deekin corrects absently. "...wait, no, missed mood there. Ignore Deekin."
"Thank you and thank you," he says wryly. "Deekin has a fascinating story of his own, but I'm not sure I'm qualified to tell it. Then again he also published his story himself, so you could read it at your leisure if you prefer."
"Will I miss much if I do it with comprehend languages rather than as a language exercise?"
"Deekin has always felt Deekin's work highly translatable," the kobold says humbly. "Content universal; language largely incidental. Might miss subtlest wordplay."