Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
She mentioned lightning bolt but would have been casting it out of her ring, so she doesn't have a counter even if she'd been specifically expecting that. It crackles around her spell resistance. She pulls another diamond spray out of a pearl of power and follows up with a quickened magic missile aimed at the important one.
This time the diamonds splash uselessly against all the targets, but the missiles go through. The caster growls, and casts Ball Lightning. One sphere wobbles towards Deekin, the other towards Belmarniss.
Jojo defeats his opponent, who collapses to the floor with a yowl. He turns to another of the rakshasa, who apparently thinks he might have better luck with an Acid Arrow. Jojo punches him in the throat while he casts it, though, and he loses the spell.
Deekin gets shocked pretty badly by the Ball Lightning, but rather than heal he elects to cast "Shadowbard!" His shadow rises out of the floor and begins humming a different song, one that doesn't seem to have any effect on Belmarniss but makes Deekin look a bit less bedraggled.
Garrus gets off another handful of shots on the caster, who is starting to look distinctly pincushiony by this point.
The rakshasa Jojo isn't fighting leap past him, one going for Garrus and one going for Belmarniss. Jojo strikes both as they pass, but they don't stop moving.
You know what doesn't check spell resistance? Ice Spear doesn't check spell resistance. The caster gets it, hopefully to kill him before he can maneuver the lightning any farther, and she's got one more quicken left, she'll get off a magic missile at the one charging her.
The caster is only grazed by the ice spear! The magic missile fizzles against the charging rakshasa's skin! Deekin stabs the charging rakshasa as it passes by, accomplishing nothing!
The caster grins tigerishly and casts Lightning Bolt at Jojo. The ball lightning collides with Belmarniss, and does not splash off of her spell resistance.
Jojo leaps over the lightning bolt and continues beating seven of the nine Hells out of the rakshasa he is currently facing.
Deekin drops Enserric and pulls an ivory harp off his belt, strumming it furiously as he hums. Belmarniss feels the burns from the ball lightning fading slowly. (Possibly too slowly.)
Garrus looses three arrows at the caster, who finally falls, then turns his attention to the rakshasa charging Belmarniss. He fires off another three shots, one of which explodes with electricity in the creature's breast.
It doesn't stop. It swipes twice at Belmarniss with a wickedly curved kukri, following up with a swipe of its claws.
Its compatriot savages Garrus. He ignores the bleeding cuts it leaves, still focusing on the one attacking his friend.
The rakshasa drops its kukri like it's on fire, which it very nearly is. It hisses at Belmarniss and readies its claws.
Jojo finishes off his current opponent and runs to Belmarniss's aid. Belmarniss's rakshasa attacker falls to the ground after a series of lightning-fast punches.
Garrus turns his attention back to the rakshasa in the process of savaging him, draws an arrow back, and sends it into the outsider's eye socket. It topples slowly to the floor.
"Greater Path of Glory," Deekin incants.
The floor starts glowing, and everyone's wounds start melting away. It takes a minute for everyone to be back to pristine health, but they've got a minute.
Deekin bows. "Deekin always happy to help."
He picks Enserric up off the floor. "Sorry, Enserric. Battle pretty hectic, Deekin didn't have time for sheathing before take out Dove harp."
"Heartily agreed," Garrus says, searching the bodies. "Are we taking their eyes? They're worth money but it seems a little ghoulish."
"Point taken," Garrus says. "Deekin, can you come over here and help with this?"
Deekin cooperatively Mage Hands the eyes into a jar he had in his backpack for "not just such an occasion, Deekin not predict this eventuality, but similar occasion".
The rakshasa are, other than their valuable eyes, remarkably ill-equipped. Soon there's nothing left to do but open the door, behind which is a chamber containing an altar and three shabbily dressed humans. One of them, their apparent leader, moves forward, then stops himself.
"Are you... are you here to save us?"
"My name is Shareesh. I suppose you could call me the leader of our little band, or at least, as much a leader as any. You see, we three are slaves, bound and forced to serve the mad wizard Halaster."
"What need could one as powerful as Halaster possibly have for common human slaves?" Jojo asks disgustedly. "This is nothing but an abuse of power; he keeps slaves simply because he can."