Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
Brrrr. She hits him with an Admonishing Ray, she has a bunch of that and they can always slit his throat if they need him dead in particular.
It strikes the ogre mage cleanly in the torso, leaving an angry purple bruise.
Garrus nocks several arrows in quick succession, and with such a generous target, sinks each one into his opponent's chest.
Jojo strikes several times, wincing at the heat, but the glow around his fists doesn't seem to be doing anything. He looks surprised, but doesn't let up.
The ogre mage roars with fury and casts a fireball at the center of his foes' territory; the warding tables catch fire, though they don't let the blast through.
And Deekin stabs him in the torso -
and the ogre sucks in a deep breath, and coughs wetly, and says, "Truce! Truce! I beg your mercy and implore you for a truce!"
He tosses the rod gently. "Well, he was the mad king of Undermountain, as I'm sure you know, but as of about three weeks ago he vanished without a trace, along with the magics controlling the monsters - myself included - within the dungeon. And the magics that occasionally caused the dungeon itself to shift; the place has been solid as a rock, lately. Needless to say I decided to capitalize on the opportunity, and began to recruit some followers and spread my influence through this level of the dungeon. Apparently, however, the Faerie Queen to the south had similar ambitions, and our minions clashed in the middle."
"I don't know terribly much about her, only that she was once a pixie but that for some reason she's now the size of one of you. Oh, and that her minions are vicious little creatures - I didn't even know grigs could learn necromancy, but they've taken to it like ducks to water. Perhaps the lack of plant life has driven them to madness. She's also got a handful of harpies on her side, but they're easy enough to crush."
"It's a hall of enchanted mirrors - most of them are full of treasure, but one is a Mirror of Opposition, and if you look into it your reflection will come to life and try to kill you. Inconveniently, I have reason to believe it's the hiding place of one of the other rods. -but before you ask, I don't know about the fourth or fifth, I just know that Halaster has a particular fondness for the Hall of Mirrors and he'd hate to neglect it."
"Hrmm... there's a cache of gold and gemstones in my desk, which I've been collecting for no particular reason except general magpie instinct. You're welcome to it, as long as you continue not to kill me; theoretically you could kill me and take it anyway but it'd be terribly rude. Other than that, I can't really think of anything."
"It wasn't all that much trouble to take him down in the first place," Garrus points out. "I don't see much problem with letting him walk, on the understanding that if he hassles us any more we won't make the same mistake again."