Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
"I distinctly saw my mom's old cave in your display here, why can't you see Golarion?"
"My realm is given shape by those within it. You see where you have been, and where your companions have been - the places that made them who they are."
Somewhat demonstratively, they're standing in the tavern where Belmarniss met Hagan.
"Huh. Waterdeep, Thay, Rashemen, Thay, great unformed sea... Wall, I was trying to avoid that... then home. O...kay." She writes this down.
The Knower smiles. They're standing under an impressively large tree in the middle of a burning city. (Jojo winces.)
Deekin raises his hand. "Deekin next?"
She turns to him, and they're in a modest house, decorated eclectically. "What is your question, Deekin?"
"Deekin want to know... where Deekin find Mischa Waymeet and Tynan Blake."
"Mischa is in Heaven. Tynan lives in Neverwinter, wandering the streets of the Beggar's Nest."
Deekin hisses as if in pain, then nods. "Thank you."
"My turn?" Garrus asks.
"Certainly," the Knower says.
"Where can I find my true love?"
The Knower hums thoughtfully. "...You will find true love if you return to Zhentil Keep. And while this verges on 'who', the woman I see standing beside you is a halfling who wears a purple headscarf."
"...a halfling?"
"Yes, a halfling."
"I was... expecting another reptile."
"And you get a halfling. You're welcome, by the way, for saving you rather a lot of trouble."
She shrugs. "There are names written into the stars. Some have many; some, only one. Occasionally someone will have none at all. The reptile could be happy with many women. The halfling is a true love, and one who will not lead him into disaster."
She shrugs. "It is my home. The devils came later, and none can find me without my allowing them to do so, and so they do not bother me. Besides, I am everywhere and nowhere."
"I have never known anything else. But - when you go, I will watch the flowers bloom in an oasis amidst the Anauroch Desert. I will watch the war in the streets of Menzoberranzan as they reel from the loss of their Valsharess. I will watch a mother in Neverwinter grieve the loss of her only son. I am everywhere. But I cannot pluck a flower to put in my hair. I cannot strike a woman down in the streets of Menzoberranzan. I cannot comfort the mother in Neverwinter. I am nowhere."
And they're no longer in the Knower's sanctum.
Jojo looks around. "...she put us in the same place we found the portal, alright. I suppose we can walk from here... unless, Belmarniss, can you teleport us to the Knower of Names?"
"Good question, I guess, I haven't exactly seen it but - yeah, I think so -" She collects hands for a teleport.
The glacier in which the Knower of Names is imprisoned is, unusually, not in the middle of a blizzard. It's still cold, but the air is clear, and the ice is glassy and perfectly slick.
Inside it, a female form. Or - something resembling one, at least. A little bit too tall - a little bit too pale - a little bit too beautiful. She gazes upward calmly.
A voice speaks without traveling through the ice, or the air, or Belmarniss' ears. Greetings, Belena'ar the Ascendant, Seeker of Truth.
The name clicks into Belmarniss' mind - a missing piece, something that she didn't know, couldn't know, but can't doubt now that it's been made clear to her. She experiences the dizzying sensation of expansion, of her soul expressing a universal truth.
She feels herself reach the pinnacle of mortal power, the peak that others on Golarion have striven for, scrabbled and fought their way towards.
She feels herself breach it.
It's agonizing. The raw power coursing through her is more than she's used to, more than she's ever had to handle. But - as she breathes the frozen air, it settles. Her magic still feels closer than it was before, but it's not burning in her veins.
This is your True Name, the knowledge that makes you more than what you were. I apologize for imparting it to you without warning. Nothing could prepare you.
Around her, her companions are standing up with various levels of trembling. Deekin appears to have grown silver wings at some point in the last few seconds.
Garrus looks deeply hungover.
"I recognize that nothing could've prepared me for that, but a warning would still have been nice."
You are all more than you were. You have the seeds of divinity within you. You in particular now have capabilities exceeding those of anyone on your home planet who has not relinquished their mortality. Pause. With the possible exception of someone by the name of Baba Yaga. I do not know much about her, but she is also in possession of her own True Name. I do not know where she got it.