Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
Garrus stays outside to shoot drow, as is his role.
"I can handle them myself! Just - just leave me alone!"
"Hear us out," Garrus says, nocking another arrow. "Maybe you'll like us."
The balor cleaves a drow male's head from his shoulders, and the fight is over. "Master," it says blandly, "shall I slaughter the second group of interlopers as well?"
The avariel flinches. "I - n - stand by for further orders," he says. "They haven't hurt us yet."
The balor rolls its eyes. "Yes, master."
"Thank you," Jojo says politely to the mage.
"What do you want," he asks dolefully.
"You have a shard of the Mirror of All-Seeing," Jojo says. "We need it to repair the artifact."
The mage pales and grips his staff tighter. "No! I - I can't die!"
"- wild guess, are you attached to your new personality and concerned that the reversal would be like unto death?"
He nods frantically. "I - he was stupid. I can see everything - the world is so much bigger now -"
Jojo winces.
"...well, fuck. Can you - summarize what exactly changed, we didn't know you before -"
He fiddles nervously with his staff. "I - I was Petyr's apprentice. The wizard downstairs. He was brilliant, an archmage, and I had no aptitude for the work. I - I had all these friends, and I played skyball with them, and I didn't even care that I couldn't do anything real, affect the world around me. And now - I'm smarter than Petyr was, I think, and he's turned away from magic, and - I don't want the town to keep being like this, you know, I know everyone else is suffering. I was studying my shard, hoping I could somehow figure out how to fix it and still - still keep me."
"Yeah. I don't wanna - forcibly switch you back - but everybody else can't stay how they are - do you have what you need for the bird thing?"
He sighs. "Yeah. I-"
The balor clears its throat. "There is another drow approaching invisibly. Shall I kill it?"
The mage twitches violently. "Fuck! Um - yes please!"
It raises its sword and charges towards the balcony, but mid-charge, its form twists and it vanishes into thin air.
"Fuck!" the mage repeats.
Deekin casts Glitterdust, as he is wont to do. The shimmering dust outlines a drow woman in heavy armor, bearing a greatsword.
Oh for fuck's sake, why are there so many? Ice spears! Ice spears for the drow with a sword!
She hisses with pain but doesn't slip.
Jojo zips over and strikes her a few times; she's not happy about that either, but her armor takes the brunt of it and acquits itself well.
"You will all fall," she grunts. "I am the hand of my dark mistress!" Then she raises her sword and out pulses a wave of negative energy. At the same time, she doubles in size.
"Wow, your dark mistress has enormous hands, might need to get that looked at," mutters Belmarniss, flinging ball lightning at her.
She growls and attempts to chop Jojo into bits with her very large sword! He stays well away from the blade and continues beating her up, since it's having some effect.
Garrus has been concentrating for a few seconds, and finally looses the arrow he's had nocked. It glows, and it passes through her breastplate before re-solidifying in her chest.
She starts to click her heels together in the manner of someone activating a magic item, at which point another arrow sprouts from her face. She topples to the floor.
"Thank you, thank you," Garrus mutters, "I'll be here all week. I think that might have been the same one from the cave? Let's check her for mirrorbits."
They can search the giant drow lady. Hopefully if the mirrorbit is also larger than usual that won't complicate fitting it together.
Fortunately, the magic growth fades after her death, as does the invisibility. She had not one but three mirror pieces!
"Thank the gods no one has ever heard of redundancy," Garrus comments. "Hey, wizard... apprentice... guy... d'you have a name?"
"Etrin," the apprentice says faintly. "Is that usually what, um, combat is like?"
"Yeah, approximately," Garrus shrugs.
"I'm very glad I cheated and got my levels by magic."
"Nice work if you can get it. Though you can also do the summoning balors thing, it's a perfectly respectable way to kill people."
He shivers. "Ideally I will never have to summon a demon again."
Garrus coughs. "I think we have all of the mirror fragments now. Did you want to do your bird thing?"
Etrin nods. "I... suppose that is our best chance. I will need an hour to prepare the spells."
"Why'd you summon a demon if you don't like it?" she wonders, mostly to herself since he's about to be busy.
"Thought it might help me with soul magic," he says as he gets out his spellbook. "Apparently they don't really specialize in that."