Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
"I am and I will," she says firmly. "Vix'thra is an abomination that must be destroyed."
"Can we at the very least heal first?" Garrus asks plaintively. "That negative energy burst was very unpleasant."
The angel sighs with relief at the feeling of positive energy.
"Were you able to pray and receive spells while you were contained?" Jojo asks. "-also, do you have a name?"
"My name is Lavoera," the angel says. "I have spells, yes; I couldn't cast, but they could not stop me from praying."
"Lavoera have Resist Energy specifically?" Deekin asks. "Because if we be fighting black dragon, Deekin want to be as unmelted as possible."
"Yes, I have Resist Energy," Lavoera says. "I was preparing my spells for just this situation."
"Great. How about protection from extremely pointy teeth?"
Lavoera glares at Garrus. "I am aware that this is a significant task, but the dracolich's evil must be stopped."
"This sucks and I don't want to do it, but it's my job, so I'm going to anyway. I'm mostly just irritated that it is my job."
"I don't think it would, but it's still my job. And probably if we didn't do it now, the bastard would just come after us later. This is an efficiency thing. Alright, I'm all talked up, let's do this thing."
"Any specific dracolich strategy tips I should know that differ from undead generally or black dragons when they're breathing?"
"If dracolich swallow you it drain energy. If dracolich touch you, it can paralyze, plus damage from claws or teeth or whatever it be touching you with. Other than that, mostly just big undead dragon."
"Exciting. Remember to haul me to a cleric if I kick it, blursed object is on the fritz for a while yet."
Jojo nods. "We'll certainly do that. And I'll try to keep it from getting to you at all; my job is protecting the rest of you."
With that, they head towards the door with the spherical depression.
"I've got a fireball, I don't usually like it but my other good damage dealing stuff is, wouldn't you know it, not specced for undead. Going to want to get that off first."
"Noted - you might want to save it for a bit later in the fight, my blows will damage the monster's resistance to hostile spells due to an enchantment I got in Lith My'athar."
"Sweet, I was gonna lead with it before you got up in its personal space but that's even better. Do we know if this is a caster dragon?"
"Vix'thra was a true dragon in life, yes," Lavoera says, "with the spellcasting abilities that implies. He may have even been more inclined towards the arcane than his fellows - lichdom is not an easy thing, even for a dragon."
"Well, dunno if I can counterspell him but maybe I can make it look likely enough that he sticks to the claws 'n teeth."
Lavoera nods. "That may be the best course of action. Damage from claws and teeth I can heal, magic is less predictable."
"Depends on how he picks spells but legit. I have a greater invisibility, I can do that instead."
"Oh, good idea. Deekin should maybe do greater invisibility too... actually, Deekin probably not making hostile actions, can just regular invisibility."