Belmarniss can now sorta muddle along in the local common thanks to aggressive use of comprehend languages to hand-translate books after roping a local into teaching her the alphabet. Also she hates teleport traps with every fiber of her being. Also she has figured out at this point that she somehow leveled in sorcerer instead of wizard during the business with the pirates and has no idea why that happened or whether it will happen again. And she has sold this stupid arrowhead to two different curio shops and given up as it seems to be cursed. And she just needs to keep doing what she does, she guesses, till she can teleport herself home. The Yawning Portal is a nicely ironic name.
"I don't, and everything I've prepped does want a gesture. Also I'm good at counterspells and will have the same things. But if I can talk her around she'll want to write some things down, probably."
"I think it still makes sense to have her hands tied at the start, if reflections universally attack their originals; you can then have a conversation, and if she wants to write something down she can be untied."
"Yeah, just giving you advance warning that asking to be untied isn't necessarily a ruse."
"I doubt it's worth the risk, but I do wonder what would happen if I were on your belt when you looked in the mirror," Enserric says contemplatively from his place at Deekin's side. "Am I equipment or a separate subject? Would I be exempt as a technical undead? Wheels within wheels."
"Yes, let's."
They trek back to the Hall of Mirrors. (They're getting to know this first floor of Undermountain quite well, by now.)
Inside: a hall, containing mirrors. Two dozen of them, along both of the long walls. "We'll stay by the door," Garrus says, tying a length of silk rope around Belmarniss's wrists in a manner that suggests some amount of practice. "Try to stay a few feet away from the mirrors when you look into them, so we don't get confused about who the reflection is when she does pop out. I'll have arrows nocked, but not pulled, so I can intervene if necessary but won't be too jumpy on the trigger. And again, sorry about all this."
She writes herself a note; it's in her native language so none of them can read it. She pins it on.
She lets him tie her wrists again and she walks in.
She’s able to get one, then the mirror evaporates.
In this manner she leaves a trail of miscellaneous valuables behind her, including a rod which, while not red, is inscribed with swirling patterns and radiates a magical aura.
Then, at the sixth mirror she looks into, her reflection has nothing by her feet, but she has a strange gleam in her eye. The mirror wobbles alarmingly, and then there’s a second Belmarniss in front of the first.
Belmarniss's party will not be able to understand the ensuing conversation.
"You -" says the mirrored Belmarniss.
"Read the sign."
"- okay, I remember writing it but -"
"- pretty sure if I kill you I get to live and otherwise I die."
"Is that the only difference?"
"...may also have started out in just a generally horrible mood. I think that's all."
"So does it matter, then? If I let you take notes and I keep them -"
"You shouldn't have come in here."
"I don't like lots of what I do during adventures, that's not new."
"You should've made the ogre do it or, better, borrowed a zombie."
"- okay, not thinking of that is on me."
"You didn't try. You're getting lazy."
"I'm sorry."
"Call them in here, untie me, get your damn loot, and give me your notebook."
Belmarniss sighs. And calls, in Common, "I think it's okay."
Garrus comes over to untie them, scrupulously avoiding looking into any mirrors along the way. (He still unties Original Belmarniss first, just in case.)
Reflected Belmarniss takes the notebook that isn't going to dissolve in an hour and writes.
Original Belmarniss offers Deekin the lute and the more liquid swag and keeps the wand.
"Ooh, Doss Lute," Deekin says happily once he's examined the lute. "Good if we encounter poison." The orange potion he identifies as a Potion of Bull's Strength, while the rod from earlier he identifies as a Rod of Lesser Quicken Spell.
He casts a considering look at Reflected Belmarniss, but visibly decides against saying anything to her, instead scribbling in his tome-under-development.
"Deekin considered asking for interview but decided against it. Sorry to bother Belmarniss."
Eventually Mirror Belmarniss says, "I should recharge your fucking staff."
Original Belmarniss hands it over. Mirror Belmarniss dumps spells into it.
And, after exactly an hour has passed, her skin gains a mirrored sheen and she melts away, leaving a red rod where she once stood.
Jojo sighs heavily.