The PRT catches wind of a strange increase in disappeared domestic animals in the downtown area. Given that the people who live there are the rich and powerful, this is clearly a problem that needs to be investigated and solved immediately. The PRT, of course, agrees that this is of utmost importance, and not just because of precedent about mass abductions of pets, of course not, why would you think that, they are so very worried about Fido, even Scion recognizes the merits of rescuing lost pets.
(Lorica's asked to maybe keep a few more eyes there than she has been.)
"Do you suppose your bot will ever become good enough to fool me?"
"Well, the better the model it has of you the easier its job will be? But I'm not sure it can have a good enough model that's not tantamount to just simulating you, and..."
"I don't think it's going to wake up as me. The way it produces me-responses isn't very much like simulation."
"...Well, it's not simulating my thought process, anyway, it's emulating what I've said in the past and consulting what it knows I know."
"Well people don't act exactly the same way twice, even if it knows everything you do, if it's not performing the same steps of inference you are it will try to just predict your actions based on similar situations and that'll be fine most of the time but sometimes it won't."
"It's also a little more conservative in general than I am because I don't like it to commit to things that I only might agree to."
"That, too. And I think it didn't swear a single time while we were talking. You're more—lively."
"It did too. It knows you're not on the list of people it needs to swear-filter me for and it did in fact say 'fuck it up'."
"Oh. Then I dunno, I may be full of it. I mean, I was pretty sure you were you very quickly, but I don't know which parts of it tipped me off."