The PRT catches wind of a strange increase in disappeared domestic animals in the downtown area. Given that the people who live there are the rich and powerful, this is clearly a problem that needs to be investigated and solved immediately. The PRT, of course, agrees that this is of utmost importance, and not just because of precedent about mass abductions of pets, of course not, why would you think that, they are so very worried about Fido, even Scion recognizes the merits of rescuing lost pets.
(Lorica's asked to maybe keep a few more eyes there than she has been.)
"Are there many instances of it making decisions you wouldn't have approved of even in hindsight?"
"Not lately. But there are totally things I'd want a bot to go visible for, and they don't want it to go visible under reasonable circumstances, they want it to never do that."
"Wouldn't the bot agree with you that showing the Protectorate only invisibility was a good decision, even if it was in fact capable of choosing not to be invisible?"
"Not if it thought it wouldn't get caught and there was some kind of emergency calling for it to be visible. It learns from me and that's the kind of thing I'd do. But if I am calling the shots and people don't like the shots I call I can say 'sorry, won't happen again, human error' and if the bot does it while I'm not at the keyboard after I told them it would not do that no such leeway. Ugh, I want out."
"Ugh," they agree. "Yeah, that sucks. Why couldn't they just let the bot decide...? They use its AI on Endbringer fights!"
"In Endbringer fights the PR stakes are lower and the baseline rate of gone-to-hell is higher. They can tolerate a lot more variance. People try all kinds of crazy shit in Endbringer fights and I'm nowhere near the most outrageous."
They giggle. "Well, when you mentioned there were different kinds it did become pretty obvious, I suppose."
"I didn't define it completely but I think I make a you-copy, I go to my room, one of you comes, we talk for a bit, if that you isn't you you squint at it, I come here, I make a you-copy again, then back to my room, then the one who didn't come the first time comes then, we talk a bit more, then I try to guess which was the real you."
Lorica and her copy high-five. "Shoo," says one of them. It's hard to tell which when they've both got helmets on.