The PRT catches wind of a strange increase in disappeared domestic animals in the downtown area. Given that the people who live there are the rich and powerful, this is clearly a problem that needs to be investigated and solved immediately. The PRT, of course, agrees that this is of utmost importance, and not just because of precedent about mass abductions of pets, of course not, why would you think that, they are so very worried about Fido, even Scion recognizes the merits of rescuing lost pets.
(Lorica's asked to maybe keep a few more eyes there than she has been.)
"Mmhm. I wonder if it might've helped if Armsmaster had made that point to the press, that it was in large part thanks to her that it all worked out."
"I think he may consider her power in general bad PR. As a factor he probably wasn't considering, I'd be worried if I heard about it what exactly was keeping your constructs in place and how reliable they were."
"Oh, yeah. Though I think people, at least in Brockton Bay, have probably pretty much accepted that I can just conjure whatever."
"Mmhm. There was a lot of activity on the Forums when I released the video conjuring a copy. There had been speculation, what with people sometimes seeing me on two patrols at the same time. I just wish the Forums weren't so... insular."
"Yeah, and they're pretty inaccessible for anyone who'd just want to pop in for a bit of trivia. The wiki's better but still leans kind of jargon-heavy."
"I wonder if there's a way to make it better. Perhaps with an introduction board? That had a few sticky posts, like 'Welcome! Here's some basic info' or 'Trivia' or 'Jargon explanation' or 'Cape info' or something."
"Maybe I should have the bot make thread summaries for popular threads so people can read half a page and then jump in knowing what's been going on."
"Yes it is. But there's not currently apparatus for that so it'd need buy-in from the admins."
"Bot's gonna suggest it. It's got lots of spare processor time when it's not operating a trebled flock in an emergency."
They snort. "My power seems to be wholly immune to attempts at using anything other than myself as its lens."
"Yep. At least you can offload some of the fine control to the bot even if you have to do all the conjuration."
"You know, I wonder if a simulated brain that was like mine, corona pollentia and all, would be able to use my powers."
"Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to, this was merely academic interest. I probably can't conjure anything that'd count, either."
Shrug. "Not necessarily. I do want to do it a few more times and see if we can reach a large enough sample size. It could have been luck, after all."