The PRT catches wind of a strange increase in disappeared domestic animals in the downtown area. Given that the people who live there are the rich and powerful, this is clearly a problem that needs to be investigated and solved immediately. The PRT, of course, agrees that this is of utmost importance, and not just because of precedent about mass abductions of pets, of course not, why would you think that, they are so very worried about Fido, even Scion recognizes the merits of rescuing lost pets.
(Lorica's asked to maybe keep a few more eyes there than she has been.)
And she comes out of fugue. (A bot polished her while she was in-fugue so she already looks spiffy.) Is Glam up?
"My costume can do that for me, look," they say, and their costume is glowing. Literally glowing, it's actually emitting some light. "I don't even need to actually be smiling for my mask to show a smile."
"Nobody else has been able to tell the difference for a long time. And your sample size is small."
A lectern has been set up in front of the PHQ, at the top of the stairs to the entrance. Several reporters and curious bystanders are occupying the stairs, taking pictures and recording. Armsmaster walks outside first, followed by the adult Protectorate and then the Wards, surrounded by PRT uniforms. Once they're in position, the reporters stop talking and people listen.
"You all know about the threat the supervillain that calls himself Blasto has posed to this city for the past few months. Yesterday, in an altercation with some of his minions that could have escalated to a scenario not unlike Ellisburg, thanks to the cooperation of all Brockton Bay heroes and even of parahumans from the villain organization known as the Empire Eighty-Eight, we successfully neutralized the threat and captured Blasto, who is currently in custody."
(Yaaaaay, go the crowd. Lorica has Excellent Posture. Windflower is apparently afraid of being in front of crowds and trying to hide behind Glimmer without looking like she's doing it.)
The reporters start asking lots of questions at the same time, as they are wont to do, and Armsmaster points at one of them. "How can you be sure that you got all of them? Is it possible that some may have escaped?"
"It's of course always possible but—" He starts being drowned with questions before he finishes, so he continues more loudly, "But we are very confident they haven't."
"How can you know that?"
"With Miracle Max's and Blasto's cooperation, we were able to create a type of pheromone that attracts such hybrids to a secluded place and dealt with them. They were unable to resist following it, with Lorica and Glam's help."
"Are you sure you can trust a substance created by a villain?"
"Yes," Armsmaster says, and points at another reporter.
"A question for Lorica?"
Armsmaster looks at her, inquiringly.
"It is," Armsmaster interjects.
The reporter ignores him and continues looking at Lorica.
"That's not standard operating procedure except when they're accompanying me or other heroes on ordinary patrols. They're not out anymore now, and won't be unless there's another high alert emergency or I have one bring me takeout."
"And how would you have come by this information?" Armsmaster asks pointedly.
The reporter shrugs nervously. "I heard it somewhere."
"I attend Endbringer fights and bring the bots with me," Lorica says, "if that's what you mean."
"Speculation," Armsmaster says.
"So it's not true, then? You don't use an AI comm system?" the reporter insists, still looking at Lorica.
"This is getting off-topic and speculative, does anyone have a question about the current situation? Yes?" Armsmaster looks at another reporter.
"Do you also use this communication system during your engagements here in Brockton Bay?"