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Melody doesn't have any therapy patients for her; there's a lineup of fairly boring commonplace injuries; the stream of amputees has died down but there is a young woman with burn-scarring across most of her face, wanting to know if that's fixable too. 


"Yes, I can do that." She does that.


And that's all for today. 


Bella goes for a flight.

Is Tadri anywhere around here? She noted his mind enough that she should recognize it again, same as she'd know his face.


He does not appear to be in the city of Haven. 


She goes back to the relay room. She puts on the earcuff. She looks for Tadri again.


Tadri's mind seems to be roughly thirty miles north of Haven. 


And what is Tadri looking at and hearing?


Tadri is looking at the interior of a nondescript room that resembles Bella's initial guest-room a bit, but less nice. He seems to be sitting cross-legged on the bed; he's alternately glancing around the room at random and looking down at a letter he's in the process of writing. It's not in Valdemaran, not even using the same alphabet. The sounds around him aren't very interesting; occasional footsteps in the hall nearby, a bird outside the window, someone's distant muffled shout. 


Bella's gonna copy that down as best she can; the result will be messy since she can't look through Tadri's eyes and at her paper at the same time, but perhaps decipherable.


Annoyingly, Tadri rolls it up and stuffs it into some sort of protective tube before she's quite gotten all of it. He tucks the tube into a pouch on his travel-pack, and then putters around a bit without doing anything very informative, and then goes to bed. 


When she goes to put Van to sleep, she tells him: I found Tadri.


"...You did? How?"


Earcuff. He's not out of range yet. I couldn't tell exactly how far or in what direction because the earcuff just makes the answer to 'how far' be 'close enough'.


“Oh. That’s irritating, Mindspeech at least gives you a vague sense of distance and bearing.”


So do arts but the earcuff doesn't cooperate. Do you recognize this script, bearing in mind I've mangled it?


Vanyel frowns at it for a while. "...No," he admits finally. "Um, Savil might? She's interacted with a lot more languages than I have. But I have no idea what to tell her about why we're asking." 


Long shot. Don't love reading his mail anyway.


"Right." Vanyel lies down. "Er, I'm ready to sleep." 


Goodnight. And he's down and she goes back to her own quarters.


Nothing interrupts her that night. 


In the morning after breakfast she checks on Tadri again.


Tadri is riding along a stretch of boring-looking road with fields on either side. 


She doesn't ride along with that for long. Does check on him again after a few hours of research.


Different stretch of boring road, but he's doing a lot more looking around at his surroundings. 

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