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boots yells at lancir
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Bella takes the earcuff, when it's time to go to sleep, and goes to the room next door. She threads the coils of wire onto a lock of her hair and then braids it back into place, clumsily because she doesn't have telekinesis but snug enough it'd be very hard to remove without her cooperation or the teleporty kind of Fetching.


Sayshen curls up on the pile of rugs and blankets that someone dug up for her, placing herself neatly in the path of anyone who might want to bother Bella. :Goodnight: she sends. 

Nobody bothers Bella while she's sleeping. 


She checks the earcuff when she redoes her hair in the morning.


The earcuff is still braided into her hair, exactly like when she went to sleep. 


Oh good. She updates Rúmil and then says: Yfandes?


:–Bella? Kernos' horns but it's good to hear from you. Are you all right? How's Van?: 


I'm fine, just needed sleep. I woke up a moment ago, haven't checked on him yet, but I'm going to do that now. He might still be asleep, he was exhausted yesterday. She gets up and tiptoes to the next room.


Vanyel is still asleep. Shavri is also asleep on a bedroll on the floor.


Nayoki, who looks exhausted, gives Bella a grateful, half-desperate look. "You rested? Can do painblock again? I try ask Melody, she not able." 


"Uh, yes, I can, if he still needs it - were you up all night -" She sits down and takes over.


"Yes." Yawn. "I try stop, before, he - not happy. Maybe not need now? That be–" she frowns, "four hour before?" 


Bella tries pulling back a touch to see if he reacts.


It's enough to wake him up, and he grimaces, but he doesn't seem to be in intolerable distress. He rubs his eyes, manages to roll over toward her. "...Bella? Where are we?" 


"Leareth's library. It's the next morning. Nayoki, his Mindhealer, kept you out of pain all night and I'm doing a half-block now, it'll let me keep talking longer and give me more leeway for un-commanding the gryphons if it's tolerable for you."


"It's tolerable." Vanyel lifts his head from the pillow, grunts, then slowly and cautiously levers himself up until he's sitting. "Um - thank you, Nayoki? Bella, you did what to the gryphons?" 


"Melody did most of it. She couldn't get them all to land and quit attacking so I did the last handful - if I'd knocked them out they'd have crashed. If you're okay I'm going to find out now if it's safe for me to do that."


"Yes, I'm fine, go ahead." 


"You not fine!" Nayoki says emphatically. "There - problem. I not know what. You know?" 


"Huh?" Vanyel stares blankly at her. "Oh, right, Mindhealer. Um. I assume you're talking about the broken lifebond, but it's been like that for years, don't worry about it."


Nayoki lets out a startled squawk and stands up so fast that she knocks over her chair. "What?" She goggles at him for a moment. And then runs out of the room. 


"She was complaining about that a lot, it must look really striking..." Yfandes, who should I talk to about whether it's time to let the gryphons loose? Will Savil talk to me?


:Just a moment: Pause. :Savil's still asleep. She was up really late, things were, um, tense with the Iftel crew and Elspeth wanted the strongest mages on alert. Lancir is awake and he might agree to talk to you, I can ask: 


Thank you.


"What's happening?" Vanyel asks. "Er, I mean, not just now but in general. Why did we get attacked by gryphons - where were they even from - why was there a Gate...? I think you were talking about it at Healers' but I don't remember that very well." 


"A person in a country called Iftel got a dream indicating that I was a demon, apparently. They converged on Healers' because I was there and I called in Leareth for backup and he Gated you and me out, hoping they'd notice and leave everybody else alone. I got Shavri to establish comms. They'd taken Melody and were still surrounding Healers' so I tapped a bunch of Leareth's people to evacuate the rest of the people there, and Sayshen."

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