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boots yells at lancir
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:Really? I was worried I panicked and overreacted, just - you scared the piss out of me with that warning: 

Sayshen heads for the door of the library, pauses in front of Leareth, and includes him in her Mindspeech as well. :Er, whoever you are, thank you for Gating Bella and Vanyel to your castle or whatever: 


Leareth gives her a slightly discomfited look. "Technically it is underground. You are welcome. Please wait a moment until the Gate is down before using that door." 


Bella taps Sayshen on her way out and resumes getting people out of the besieged Healers'.


There is a lineup of increasingly baffled Healers and trainees! Fortunately they're going to Gemma with their questions rather than bothering Bella. 


Gemma gets through the staff and starts listing patients' names, along with brief descriptions in case that helps Bella.


Bella can get those too.


They're even more confused and alarmed! Also a few of them were bedridden and are now floor-ridden. 


"Gemma, can I leave the patients to you - I have to keep my mana use down right now -"


"Of course. Hey you - backup person! You got any other Healers around here?"


Leareth, apparently taking no offence at being addressed in that matter, nods. "Can you wait a few minutes – I would prefer not to open the door until Bella is finished here and the Gate is down." 

Rastan the mage is starting to look pretty tired; he's found a spot to sit against the wall. 


Bella can't offer him a coffee thing but she's almost done tapping people! "Done."


Leareth nods to Rastan, the Gate snaps down, and then Leareth flings open the library doors and calls out something in the northern tongue. Sayshen makes a bolt for freedom past him. The other two Healers from before are back in about thirty seconds. 


Bella follows Sayshen.


Sayshen seems to be able to find the way without difficulty, probably by using Thoughtsensing. 


Shavri is right where Bella left her, sitting with Vanyel, who hasn't budged; neither has the other Mindhealer. "Bella! Is Healers' all right? Did you get Melody?" 


"She did." Melody is, in fact, right behind Bella. "And everyone else. That poor army must be so confused, but there's hardly any point in them keeping at it. You're in touch with back home?" 


"The earcuff won't last forever - it can run on its own supply or draw user mana but we're very low on the latter and the former's about four candlemarks total, so we should be aware of that."


"Right, good to know. Probably it's better to do short checkins then? Um, Yfandes is still torn and doesn't know what to do. She really really really wants to be with Vanyel. It's - I think it's actually kind of painful for them being this far apart? For her, anyway, he's out of it. But right now the consensus with the Heralds seems to be that you betrayed us, by calling Leareth for backup, and then you kidnapped Vanyel, and also Taver is claiming you mind controlled Yfandes although that seems really implausible knowing you. And everyone's mad at everyone else, it sounds like Taver knew more things than Lancir or any of the Heralds? Um, I'm really confused. Yfandes is just worried that right now she's the only point of communication and if you 'kidnap' her too it'll look even worse." 


"I mean, you could talk to someone else, but it sounds like she might be the only person who doesn't think I'm evil right now."


"...Kind of, yeah. I'm sorry!" 


Nayoki finally seems to have noticed the bustle around her. Her eyes light on Melody. "You Mindhealer too!" she says, with obvious relief. "Have problem!" She gestures with her chin at Vanyel. "You look too?" 


Melody gives Bella a very dubious look. 


"I have not been authorized to shed light on this situation if I have any."


:Um, I'm really hoping you would say something more - at least trying to hint in the right direction if it were a right-now-emergency and related to the Gate and not the, um, the other thing, but I'm not actually sure you're allowed to even then: Shavri frowns. :I'm not under a confidentiality oath. I could at least tell her it can wait until he's awake and she can ask him, but I don't have Mindhealing Sight so I don't know what she's looking at!: 


"I don't have Mindhealing Sight either," Bella points out again.

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