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boots yells at lancir
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"...I'm trying to figure out if we can just get everyone at Healers' that way, if they're still surrounded? That would end the stupid standoff at least. I could tell you everyone who was there - um, but they might be upset if we grab them here. I guess maybe you could send them back once you can get more mana? Or, er, can you teleport them from Healers' to somewhere else that isn't here?" 


"The spell was developed for tourism. I can get people to my location or send them from my location. I can't even personally teleport, though I'll be able to in a couple days if I have enough downtime. But yes, with enough mana I can send people back."


"Right. Er, if we do want to just grab everyone including patients, I think that's still under twenty-five but it'll be tight. Are you in touch with Haven still? What else is going on – is there anyone else who needs to be pulled out?" 


"I got Shavri, she has my earcuff, and she can talk to people there, but apparently they're all very upset with me, and I'm out of arts so I can't talk to them directly." Are there people walking by the Gate yet?


"Wait, why are they–" Melody cuts herself off. "Should ask later. Though I think they're stupid, you saved our asses in there."


There are people arriving now! There's a line of probably fifty already, more streaming in from doors at each end of the big hall. 


"The army was after me." Bella starts tapping.


"But that's not your fault!" 


"I don't think I deserved it and I certainly wasn't expecting it but if I had been... smaller... I could probably have avoided it."


"I don't..." Melody trails off, falls silent. "Probably get Gemma," she says finally. "She'll know what's going on in there." 


Bella gets Gemma.


Gemma squawks but catches her balance before falling. Rounds on Bella. "What. Is. Going on." 


"This is a safe place I gated with my backup. He has personnel I'm getting mana from. The army was after me but it looks like leaving didn't calm them down, I'm sorry."


"Can you get the others out? We've got eight other staff counting trainees – can give you names, you should know all of them – and fourteen patients." 


"I can. It'll be tight but I can do that many with the people available."


"For the patients - names enough? I don't know that you'll remember all of them, I can try to send you what they look like but if you're out of arts I'm not sure it'll work." 


"Anything you can't do with an ungifted person won't work for me right now. Names will do."


Gemma nods and starts by listing the staff and trainees on that day's roster. 


Bella grabs them as Leareth's people walk by. Partway through, "Can you ask Shavri if Sayshen and Yfandes want to come? I can squeeze them in and I haven't tapped them yet today so they're not deadweight manawise."


"Huh? Um, sure." Pause. "Sayshen, yes. Yfandes...says she'd love to get out of there, she's kind of scared, but - she's worried it'll be even harder to repair the damage afterward? Bella, what in all hells is happening right now?" 


Sayshen appears. "Hey Sayshen! Gemma has some questions that touch on what's pretty near indistinguishable from confidential patient information!"


:What?: Now there is a large white horse in the library and the mage holding the Gate looks very startled. :Oh. Ummm: She turns to Gemma. :What's your question?: 


"What exactly just happened today?" 


:Oh: she sends, including both Gemma and Bella this time. :I'm not sure exactly what the deal is with the army, but a while back I - we - there was a problem to do with how Companions are made, and Bella fixed it for me, and, um, we were worried the gods might be really mad at her. And then Taver yelled at her and at me but that was it so we thought it was fine? And then this. I guess it wasn't fine. Bella, where's Shavri?: 


"With Van. That way but I don't recall all the turns. It was smart of you to grab her and Need."

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