Lancir clears his thread.
"I, er, asked Bella for advice about you," he says stiffly. "Thought she could be a valuable resource."
(Vanyel's expression goes wooden, but up to this point he doesn't look surprised.)
"And," Lancir says, reluctantly, "she informed me that by her world's standards that's very inappropriate – that I should have asked you specifically for permission, and absent that assumed that anything you told me was to be completely confidential from everyone. I'm still figuring out whether her full oath of secrecy is workable given our circumstances, but I'm leaning toward thinking that I erred much too far in the other direction. So I guess I retroactively apologize for the times I asked Savil questions about you or told her anything related to what we'd talked about."
He glances sideways at Bella, with the look of someone silently asking whether he's done the thing yet and can stop.