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vanyel meets sad cam in milliways
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"I think that makes sense." Lissa nods. "It'd be a lot of pressure to be one vote in three. Er, what are you going to do if you two disagree?" 


"...We haven't decided," Vanyel admits. "Given the stakes, I'd lean toward either one of us getting a veto here? I mean, if you want to kick Leareth out and I don't, we can try to argue it out and figure out why we disagree, but if we still do..." He ducks his head. "I'd take your judgement seriously even if I didn't understand it. Not sure how you'd feel about that if it were reversed." 


"No, I think that makes sense. I can always just wait in here till someone else comes in, it's not like he's my only shot, so if you want to kick him you're the one who's going to be dealing with that later and I'll assume you weighed that appropriately."


"I would. Yes. So, hmm..." He looks down at his paper. "We inform him of those conditions?" 


"Either of us can kick him out, he bindingly agrees to that as a condition of being invited, he isn't doing anything cute with self-deception, he says all that under your truth spell, and then he can come read all the books from several octillion universes or whatever it is he'd like to do here while consulting on my and other problems."


Vanyel writes all of that down. 

"...All right, this feels reasonably thorough to me," he says. "Are you ready to, er, unpause him and inform him that we'll take him up on his offer and he can meet us at the message-drop location?" 


"Well, not me, just you, I don't want to get stranded in your world. Uh, a shuttle big enough to carry you might be conspicuous, they're fairly quiet but not silent and I can make cloud cover but I can't make it invisible."


"Right, you'll, er, join us remotely." Vanyel scowls at the window. "I didn't think of that at all. I can cover it with an illusion," maybe, hopefully, it's not his strong point and they'll be moving, "and a sound-barrier, but...both will leak magic, might fool the rest of my family but Savil is pretty likely to pick up on it. I don't know what to do about that."


"I suppose we could ask Leareth in case he has a super good extra secure illusion spell up his sleeve."


"That would only help for the retur– oh, you mean ask him via the drone before we go pick him up? Sure. I bet he does know one. Might still be bottlenecked on skill, though – I would wager a lot of money that his control is much better than mine, and that matters a lot more than power for illusions. Wait. Cam, do you need line of sight to make the shuttle or could you make it outside the landholding to begin with?" 


"I can make it in a specified place without seeing it. This is not usually recommended because I may inadvertently make it where something else already is, but the shuttle in particular could be made midair and then I could land it by drone so nothing but birds are at risk."


Nod. "I think that would be a good idea. I can show you on a map – hmm, 'Fandes and I need to get ourselves there too and I'm not going to Gate, so if we're riding anyway we can take one of your drones with us and give you a visual? And then on the return trip, one, Leareth can probably cover us, and two, if she does sense it we can just dive inside and pause time – it'll be a faint trace, she won't be able to hunt it down right away." 

Still, that plan would leave a large shuttle in the temple courtyard for Savil to find whenever they un-paused time... "Cam, can you un-make the shuttle once we're done using it, or is that not something your power does?" 


"Not something it does. I can tell it to dive into the sun if we need rid of it."


Vanyel boggles at him. "Can it fly that far?" 


"Sure. I mean, it'd take a long time to get there."


Vanyel drags his brain away from the suddenly-opened field of questions about exploring celestial bodies. "...Right, so we'll need to deal with the shuttle if we think Savil sensed it on the way in, maybe by, er, flying it into the sun or something. If we don't think it was detected, probably it'd be best to fly it back to where you made it? Just in case we want it again or something." He makes a note. 




"Do you have anything else for our list or should we go ahead?" Vanyel stands. "I want another coffee first. And maybe ten minutes to do a trance-exercise or something so I'm less terrified about this." 


"Do you want anti-anxiety medication. I bet Bar in her capacity as a pharmacy does this."


"Er, how do those work? If it's going to make me out of it or stupider in any way, I shouldn't. I'm...actually pretty used to doing things anyway when I'm scared, my life has been a lot of that." 


"I don't know what she has but she has octillions of universes of pharmacopia over there."


"...This place is cheating so hard." Vanyel shrugs and walks over to Bar. "Um, do you have medication for anxiety that wouldn't make me at all foggy or less alert, or impaired in other ways?" 


Bar produces a tiny white pill.


Vanyel looks at it with great dubiousness, then shrugs and picks it up. "Cam, if this turns out to be a terrible idea for some reason, we can just keep things paused until it wears off, right? I should wait until I know what it's going to do before actually talking to him, anyway." 


"No rush."

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