So Glam tests their power some more, and then has a meeting with Piggot where they explain the Siberian. She listens carefully, then asks them not to demonstrate, and says she will communicate that to the appropriate people. That takes a while, and then Lorica is asked to confirm this, and then Glam is asked to demonstrate to very few people with very high clearance.
This should not get out, it would be a PR nightmare, but if the Sibarian copy does what it looks like it does, its help will be invaluable in the upcoming Endbringer fights. When Glam decides to use that power, the story will be that a power copier has grabbed the Siberian's and is using it against the Endbringer, that people should not panic, and that she is an ally. Glam mentions, since they're all being so cooperative about telling everyone on the comms, that the Siberian copy doesn't have to look like the original, so people can know whether to panic or not based on her shape.
That leaves, of course, Glam's own willingness to face the Slaughterhouse Nine. Even if they don't know that Siberian is them, they will likely cause problems, and this will need to be carefully planned.
Careful plans tend not to survive contact with reality, and that is doubly true when the next Endbringer attack happens only two months and nine days after the previous one.
Not that it would matter much: Glam is definitely not going to a Simurgh fight, not yet.
And eventually Lorica (well, the bot, mostly) figures out a time that works for all the Wards, and the party has complete Ward buy-in.
"Among other things, yes," they giggle. "In this case I'm just feeling fuzzy feelings that you did it and that the party is happening and stuff."
And so it is that a few days later, Jeannie is sulking in her room in a PRT medical ward when there is a knock.
"You know I can't get off this bed, what's the point of knocking?" she calls.
So Sadde opens the door, and suddenly: balloons.
"...what," Jeannie asks.
"Hi are you okay?" asks Windflower anxiously.
Willow walks in, carrying one of the cakes, and Sadde uses an imaginary plate to float in another. Glimmer's there, too, hanging back somewhat.
Jeannie gapes, then says "YesI'mfineisthatcake?"
"Yes," Sadde giggles.
"Oh my gosh! Gimme!" She makes grabby hands.
"Echo baked. We couldn't ask if you like chocolate without sacrificing the element of surprise so the other one's lemon poppyseed."
Sadde conjures a knife and supervises its cake-slicing process.
"Why the party, though?"
"Well, I had been planning on throwing you a 'Rewind is awesome' party for a while now, what with half of us owing you our lives."
"You are very awesome," agrees Lorica, dishing cakes onto plates for others as soon as Rewind has hers.
"Thanks!" grins Willow.
"Are they making you eat hospital food?" asks Sadde, and she nods, mouth too full to create an appropriate verbal answer.
"...uh, I shouldn't have said that, it's the meds, not really? We were just joking around to pass the time on patrol. We also discussed the possibility that everyone but us was actually created by her," she says, pointing at Sadde.
"You didn't," she admits. "That's part of the reason why we came up with everyone being made by you. First we thought maybe Transit was a really specific Tinker that made Lorica, then that you made them both, then that you made everything!"