So Glam tests their power some more, and then has a meeting with Piggot where they explain the Siberian. She listens carefully, then asks them not to demonstrate, and says she will communicate that to the appropriate people. That takes a while, and then Lorica is asked to confirm this, and then Glam is asked to demonstrate to very few people with very high clearance.
This should not get out, it would be a PR nightmare, but if the Sibarian copy does what it looks like it does, its help will be invaluable in the upcoming Endbringer fights. When Glam decides to use that power, the story will be that a power copier has grabbed the Siberian's and is using it against the Endbringer, that people should not panic, and that she is an ally. Glam mentions, since they're all being so cooperative about telling everyone on the comms, that the Siberian copy doesn't have to look like the original, so people can know whether to panic or not based on her shape.
That leaves, of course, Glam's own willingness to face the Slaughterhouse Nine. Even if they don't know that Siberian is them, they will likely cause problems, and this will need to be carefully planned.
Careful plans tend not to survive contact with reality, and that is doubly true when the next Endbringer attack happens only two months and nine days after the previous one.
Not that it would matter much: Glam is definitely not going to a Simurgh fight, not yet.
She keeps telling herself.
"Yeah. I don't understand them either but it's less... frustrating? It is reasonably likely that there's no profitable communication to be had with them. Scion is doing, you know, good things, twenty-four seven, but he doesn't prioritize and he doesn't work efficiently."
"Thailand," says the base station bot.
"- thank you, so, gimme a Scion."
"Okay, so maybe he can't get around your fundamental nothing-doing problem areas like telekinesis," says Lorica. (No bots catch the golf ball. The flock is all waiting still and silent on the floor, except for shoulderbot, which is too small to catch a golf ball.) "Although we should still test that next time you're under. But blaster shit is well within your power set. And Scion's more impressive-looking than a big gun on the blaster front. If you can blow up an Endbringer with a fake Tinkertoy you can do it with a Scion."
"It's speculated that she can't, you know, see, she can only precog - and I'm not sure that doesn't require checking likely decisionmaking if the target's a person. Even when I'm in the middle of everything, stuff does not fall on me at the usual rate - even when bots are dropping like flies."
"And the Siberian is a human-sized thing who gets around at almost human speeds - I mean, maybe she can fly a plane, but still. She'd have to try really hard to match Endbringer levels of destruction on her own even if she went completely unhinged without Jack and worked on it every single day. She's not a natural disaster in the way people understand Endbringers as natural disasters, so the casualties feel less statistical, but she's legitimately not as big a deal as an Endbringer."
"Yeah, that's possible, but if we're going to speculate that the Siberian might turn up with unprecedented powers we'll never do anything that has anything to do with her, like have a copy kill an Endbringer while wearing stripes. What if the Siberian gets mad and tunnels to the center of the Earth and blows it up, oh no, better stay home and play video games."
"Really well. She hung way back, medic-ing people as fast as they could be brought in, she was amazing. It's hard to be sure if she reversed song effects too, but the observations were consistent with that. As soon as my bots are up one of them is going to bring her ice cream."
"I do quite like Rewind compared to most people I meet, but this is significantly because she's receptive to ideas like 'liase with paramedics', and on an absolute scale I consider that kind of thing to be very bare-minimum standard. If I felt the need to make more friends I'd make friends with her, sort of like if I lived in the Colonial era and wanted friends I would find the nearest abolitionist."
"You two ran into Lung fighting Stormtiger and Crusader, you decided to go send Lung ten minutes back."
"Oh. Yay me! I'll just—" Another roar, and Lung appears, bounding from the direction they came from. "Oh shit he's fast," she says.
"We'll be there in thirty seconds!" says Glam.
The Crusader clone chooses this moment to stick his lance into Lung's stomach. Lung apparently ignores this and generates an explosion around himself, possibly disabling a number of the 'bots. He looks at Rewind's unconscious form, prepares a fireball, throws it-
The explosion takes out the bot with the foam sprayer. Another contingent is chasing Stormtiger and company; the enemy of their enemy is not their friend.
Miss Militia, ferried by a Glam-copy of Lorica herself, has taken up a roof position and is firing on Lung. When he takes the lance to the belly and shrugs it off she switches to lethal ammunition.
The Glam with the rifle reforms it into their more familiar-looking gun and goes after Stormtiger & co. with the bots. The muscled copy starts wrestling with Lung, who roars and explodes again, throwing himself bodily onto it. The other copy hugs Lung and becomes a statue, much like the one they'd used so long ago when training with Boots.
The fleeing Crusader and Stormtiger managed to lose their pursuing bots and Glam-copy by using two more clones (Crusader looks exhausted) and releasing a blade of compressed air to create a gust strong enough to knock their pursuers wildly off-course.
A replacement is provided. "Gonna turret him," real Glam says into the comms, watching the fight from HQ, and a turret similar to (but visually less powerful than) the one that blasted Purity is conjured pointing at Lung. He notices it and jumps toward it before it can fire, tearing it to pieces. The two Glam copies on the battlefield hold onto Lung, and the returning blaster copy shoots at him with its gun several times as a second turret is formed. Lung explodes, but too late: the second turret blasts him away from Rewind toward the open street, and he rolls a few times before stopping.
Lung gets up and looks at the battlefield, then roars again, spitting fire then jumping toward the flying Glam copy with a gun. They dodge easily, but Lung explodes in fire again, burning the copy. Lung lands, and throws enough fire at Dauntless' forcefield to shatter it, then runs towards the hero—
Lung's face isn't the most human of faces at the moment. He spits fire at the foam before it hits him, not letting it stick, but the fire is slightly less hot than it was just before. The Glam copies start harassing him again, restraining him and shooting at him. He breaks free once more with some difficulty, exploding yet again.
Glam has to divide their attention many places, but they do manage to supply sprayers and get their copies to continue giving Lung grief. His fire is colder still, though, so he decides to cut his losses and throws the muscled copy at the bots. Another explosion sees him bounding away from the scene.
Sadde conjures a knife and supervises its cake-slicing process.
"Why the party, though?"
"Well, I had been planning on throwing you a 'Rewind is awesome' party for a while now, what with half of us owing you our lives."
"Thanks!" grins Willow.
"Are they making you eat hospital food?" asks Sadde, and she nods, mouth too full to create an appropriate verbal answer.
"...uh, I shouldn't have said that, it's the meds, not really? We were just joking around to pass the time on patrol. We also discussed the possibility that everyone but us was actually created by her," she says, pointing at Sadde.
"You didn't," she admits. "That's part of the reason why we came up with everyone being made by you. First we thought maybe Transit was a really specific Tinker that made Lorica, then that you made them both, then that you made everything!"
"No. My software figures out - based on my posture, what I'm looking at, what's going on around me, my feedback from past building-jumping occasions, and its own personal opinions - whether and where to float me. There are situations where it'd drop me to the ground. Or rocket me into the sky. Or waft me to the next building. Or hover me in place. Or juke me suddenly in some other direction. Or spin me around and put me right back where I was. And I do not, in the moment, control that. I can't make things that I control on that level. If I try to make something that point-and-click, my Tinker knowledge deserts me and I am a regular non-engineer sixteen-year-old girl staring at parts and code that doesn't make sense anymore. Have you noticed that my dad doesn't fly? He hovers sometimes; he doesn't try to fly."
"They could. In theory. My dad could work on building enough understanding with the program that he could fly, say; he hasn't bothered because teleporting and running together usually does the trick. His suit works as well as it does because I'm working from a very good base model of what my dad is like. I could probably build Glam a flight suit if they needed one, because Glam goes around with a robot practically all the time and the bot has a good base model of what Glam is like. But I can't make them for just anyone. They have to be extremely well-customized, and to use them, you have to trust something that has no controls to take you for a ride."
"Yes. It's slightly ratcheted - my implants talk to the suit, and the suit talks to the bot, but outside of emergencies the bot only controls some of the suit functions - can't move my arms and legs for me unless I'm unconscious or something - and nothing is allowed to talk to my implants."
"Oh! Okay playing cards with the bot sounds way more fun," she says.
The nurse walks in, and blinks in surprise, then folds her arms. "And just who do you expect is going to clean this mess?" she asks.
Sadde shrugs and the balloons are gone. "Me."
The nurse blinks, and shakes her head. "In any case, Ms. Eoh needs her rest, so it's time you leave."