Raafi in Revelation
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"I'm also not sure - Fharlanghn doesn't have a holy book that I know of, not all gods do... there's definitely books of philosophy by his clerics but I'm not sure that's what you're looking for or how seriously they're taken."


"What matters is whether Raafi takes them seriously."


"I'll ask, then."


"Thank you."


"Anything else?"


"I think that's all. My secretary's in 202 across the hall and can help you or Raafi find a slot in my schedule, most things can bump for this but it doesn't seem like a wake up in the middle of the night emergency, yes?"


"Yes," he nods. "Thank you."

He's back the next day shortly before lunch to talk to the secretary: Raafi didn't have any book suggestions but does have a cleric he gets advice from, and Zanel got permission for Raafi to bring her to Revelation; he assumes Leonor wants to meet with her separately before she sees Raafi. 


Leonor agrees that sounds ideal.


Raafi drops them off the next morning.

"Hi, Leonor? I'm Katrianne; you can call me Kat. I hear Raafi and these guys have been running a bit roughshod over everyone, hopefully I can help clear that up."


"That'd be a huge relief for everybody. What've you heard already?"


"Well, Fharlanghn's on his bullshit again, seems to be the main thing right now. And then the paladin squad over here have no idea how to deal with anyone who isn't already on board with the idea that Pelor's top dog, and that's causing all sorts of problems."


Leonor laughs. "Oh, I'm glad you're here, that'll be a really refreshing thing to hear for a lot of my colleagues. Pelor's people really mean well, I don't mean to criticize them at all, but they really do get tripped up. Who are you a cleric of?"


"Lastai," she grins, hand going to the peach brooch on her tunic. "Goddess of pleasure, yes it's what it sounds like, and that includes an interest in consent in all its forms. I can't do anything about Fharlanghn and I don't know Pelor's people yet but I have had some words with Raafi."


"Interesting! I don't want to pry but if I'm going to talk to Raafi it'd help to have an idea of what sorts of words land, though probably you being already acquainted helps."


"He's pretty reasonable if you don't start in on his god, really - none of us put up with very much of that but it's a sore spot for him, has been for a while now. There's a couple other things that can help to know, like, he doesn't do well with people who're very aggressive or physically intimidating, but he really does want to get this straightened out, you don't have to get it perfect."


"That's reassuring, but I think we've been collectively falling very far short of perfect."


"Well, that's the only thing he complained about. Have you noticed anything else?"


"I think, uh, hm, he doesn't seem to have the instinct that he can ask to talk to someone else, and it might be useful for him to have that."


"-yeah, I can see how that would happen. His instinct is to talk to a friend, and he didn't have any here, that's not a problem he ever has at home."


"People are judging him for not having asked the GCP person he first talked to if he could talk to their manager. Now, I've met their boss, and I think it wouldn't actually have helped, but if he'd instead somehow managed to be directed to one of the subscriber liaisons or something, that could have."


"I don't have a lot of details about that, I'll have to talk to him about it. Do you know what did happen?"


"Uh, he talked to the first person from the GCP who saw his message for about ten minutes, then teleported away, and - this is through the rumor mill and might not be strictly accurate but I have been told he's sounded upset about the staffer assuming that this meant the interaction was over and proceeding on their own recognizance. There might be some... norm about how to interpret teleporting out of a conversation we don't have."


"It's not common enough for that, no - he has to have been pretty upset to spend a spell on it, though. I think I want to ask him about that before we go much farther, he should still be around, do you mind?"


"I don't mind at all, getting this right is more important than getting it fast."


"I'll try to make it quick."

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