"So as far as I know you personally haven't come to daggers drawn with anybody, and this advice is therefore not specifically for you, but maybe you can help get it to people who do need it. But if I were in Raafi's position and talking to someone like Luiz I think I'd want to be liberally using a lot of reassurances about how this is the only thing Fharlanghn wants, it's not going to escalate, concessions here aren't going to put Revelation in a bad position later because there is no later, Fharlanghn's a single-issue god and not a conquering imperial power, even if more gods who want more things show up they will be negotiated with separately and probably don't even compare notes with him - if that's true, anyway. And I'd make sure, every time someone's hackles were up, that I made it really, repetitively, ad nauseum clear I understood that within the perspective of Revelation this is the worst thing that's happened in... hm... seventy years, maybe a hundred. That whatever blessings it's packaged with it's still something that's being forced on the ordinary people of the world, and some of them are going to come off really badly for it and get hurt or killed or even just scared, and that isn't okay, and it would have been better if it had been our choice and happened within frameworks we accept, which don't include special treatment for gods. I think it's probably not obvious to Luiz that Raafi feels that way. If he does. It'd be really hard to say convincingly while, ah, allergic to criticizing Fharlanghn."