"Gods are all about things, and the more common or important the things we're about are the bigger we are. Shining One is about the sun, which is super important for life, and healing and communities and moral strength, which are all really big deals, so he's a really big powerful god. The Archmage is about magic, which is everywhere and in everything and, like, holds the world together just about, so he's really big and powerful. And the gods of the common species of people are really big that way too, but a little smaller. And my world has a lot of places that are just totally wild, no people living there at all or only druids, so the Piper is really big. And I'm all about people and nature working together, and that's not as common, it's easier for people to just domesticate what they need and let nature do its own thing, so I'm a lot smaller than that. Except here it's different, you're doing all kinds of stuff with your natural places."