Raafi in Revelation
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"I kinda wanna just look up a list of things invented in the last five hundred years now."


"Are we really only that far behind you? This definitely feels like more than five hundred years of difference."


"I'm really not sure. How far back do you think?" he asks, hunting for a timeline on his phone.


"I would've guessed closer to fifteen hundred."


"Wow, okay. Uh..." He scrolls. "Have you invented the stirrup. Apparently that was important."


"We have stirrups," he nods. "Some of this might vary by species, but that one doesn't especially."


"...cast iron? Wheelbarrow? If you have those too I think I'm gonna skip a few centuries. Oh, oops, this is BCE. Uh... windmills! ...wow, cameras are that early?"


"We have wheelbarrows. I don't know much about metal but there are a few kinds of iron and dwarves make steel."

    "Cast iron's rare, but humans and gnomes make it," Kat nods.


"Gunpowder? I'm skipping a lot of stuff, I don't know what a Bessemer process is..."


"No gunpowder that I know of. Sounds like something the gnomes might have - no guns, though, at least not as common knowledge."


"Movable type. Eyeglasses! The printing press, somehow after movable type, don't ask me what they were doing before... Telescope, newspaper, vacuum pump, pianos, thermometers."


"Telescopes and eyeglasses and thermometers, they're not common but we have them. The rest I don't think so - I wouldn't be shocked if someone somewhere has something like a piano or a vacuum pump but it'd probably be a one-off."


"Seeing a lot of things that must be for... processing cotton? Steam engine, refrigerator. Carbonated water! Huh! Uh, scale. Hot air balloon."


"I've been in a hot air balloon! I'm pretty sure it was powered by magic, though. We have scales, those aren't high-tech at all... the rest I don't think we have, we do use cotton but other fibers are much easier to harvest."


"Yeah I'm not sure why scales are so late, maybe it's a specific kind but it's called 'weighing scale' and that's just what scales do... Sewing machine, telegraph, plywood, vaccine."


"No, none of those. We're going to have so many amazing things to bring home."


"You can probably just get seedless cotton and skip a step."


"And how does that work - do you get demons to make the seeds or something?"


"...maybe? I don't know very much about plants."


"Fair enough. It'll be hard to convince farmers to buy crops that they can't re-plant on their own the next year, though."


Herb looks up 'seedless cotton'. "Apparently you can graft it."


"Huh! I've heard of grafting trees, I don't know if anyone's tried it with something smaller. I'm sure we can figure it out, though."


"Or just get demons to make everything."


"Or that."

    "We're working on it!" Kat gives Raafi a squeeze and he kisses her cheek.

They stay for another hour before Raafi starts getting sleepy and Kat brings him back to the hotel, and he goes to see if Leonor's at her office after his devotions the next morning.


She's just getting in. "Good morning!"

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