Raafi in Revelation
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"I'll find her."

Her heads downstairs.


Raafi snuggles up to Kat as they watch the festivities.


Danica comes up about five minutes later. "I've heard so much about you," she remarks to Raafi.


"Oh, I'm sure," he chuckles. "Is there anything in particular you'd like to hear more about?"


"Well, I'm not sure on why you two have decided out of all the tourist destinations in all the world to haunt my dungeon in specific, so there's that, and also I'm so curious how your religious beliefs match up with your reported interest in bondage despite the apparent contradiction there."


He blushes very prettily. "I think it was just the first one Katri found? I wasn't involved in the decision at any point, there. And clerics of Fharlanghn are encouraged to try new things."


"New things. Huh. Well, like I told her, I need to be sure my fairy can step in if anything goes wrong, so you two stay in this room and its limits till I know you better but if you want to try the new thing of attempting to gain six pounds denominated mostly in cake that's licit without going downstairs, enjoy."


He nods. "Of course."


She passes Josue on the way back downstairs and slaps him on the belly, and he laughs.


    "All right, sweetheart?"


    "Want to take your hat off?"

"Mm, maybe."

    "Later, then."

"Okay. The hat has the disguise spell," she clarifies for Herb.


"Oh, you didn't just cast it?"


He shakes his head. "It's a wizard spell, I can't prepare it."


"...if you say so. Does it just make you look younger or does it do other stuff too?"


"It has limits but it can do a lot more than age -" he shimmers and resolidifies looking like Josue, then Danica, then back to his young self. "It's purely visual, though."


"Well, that limits its applications, doesn't it. Might still be popular."


"There are more powerful illusions but this one is good for what I need it for," he nods.

    "You'd want a transmutation over an illusion for anything tactile," Kat adds. "It's a different specialty."


"Are those hats too?"


"They're usually custom, you can have them put on whatever you want - belts are common. They usually only do one form, too, I'm not sure if they can make ones that let you change however you want. Illusions seem to be a little easier that way."


"Makes it a little less appealing to get one for sharing."


"I can probably find someone who can make one that's adjustable, if it's possible to."


"I wonder if there'd wind up being drama about it..."


"Oh, like, suppose Pedro wants Maria so he gets his boyfriend Bruce to turn into Maria - these are made up names, to be clear - and Maria doesn't like that."


"I could see something like that happening," she nods. "If the adjustable kind turns out to be possible. It would be hard to commission a single-form transmutation of a particular person without their help, so I doubt it's come up so far."


"Probably Danica'd make a rule about it and it'd never leave the premises if she had one."

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