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Abadar uses a helm of opposite alignment on Hagan and a bad time is had by all
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"M'sorry. About being - I don't know, everything I am, does that cover it - "


"Korva, if I wanted my wife to be different I would've - picked a different person to be my wife."



"I don't want to contradict you but I think you have probably ever wanted me to be different."



"I wish you wanted to have sex with me. I wish you felt safe around me. But I don't - wish you were a different person. There are other people who want to have sex with me and it doesn't matter because they're not you."



"Maybe this is hard to remember because there are not really any very positive things about me anymore."


"There are too. You still - look at things the way you do, and try to explain them the way you do. You're still the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I still feel like you'll - make things make sense -when they don't - sometimes you still say that you love me, or think you might -"




"I think probably I have some of the pieces and not others. So I try to say it when - it seems like contextually we are maybe talking about one of the pieces I have. I guess."


"I'm not mad at you. It would make sense not to love me. I just - I do notice when you say it."




"Kind of want a hug but only if you will not be mad about it or think it is pathetic or do anything else besides talking."


He hugs her.



She's tired and trembly and maybe going to start sobbing quietly and does not want to let go for kind of a long time.


This is - better than almost all of their interactions, actually, because she doesn't seem to specifically hate him about it. He can hug her and pat her.


"M'sorry," she whispers, eventually. She doesn't let go. "M'sorry for being - needy and pathetic and horrible - "


"I don't think you are any of those things."


"M'bad. M'very very bad. I'm trying to be good but all the things inside me are bad, and I can barely find any good ones anywhere, and I know I'm supposed to believe you when you say things but I don't understand how it works for you to not be completely disgusted and angry about almost every piece that's left - "


"Well, I'm a bad person, so I would hardly care if you were. And you were okay, before, it's this situation that hurt you, it's me not having been able to protect you."


"M'not evil. I don't think. Just bad and pathetic and contemptible in the ways that everybody finds bad and pathetic and contemptible. Shouldn't become worse just because you hurt me. Shouldn't want to not be hurt. Shouldn't be scared of it. But I am."


"I think everyone wants to not be hurt, Korva."



"Well, you hate everyone else."


"Yeah, I do. But - I don't hurt them and hate them for hurting."


"Seems like it sometimes. But I guess I don't know. Shouldn't think I know things."


"I never told you that."


"That's why I have to say 'should'. Because if I say 'allowed' you'll be upset, because there aren't any rules, other than that I have to do everything you say and that you'll be upset if I do the wrong thing. Have to come up with all of the shoulds alone. Can't afford to make mistakes so I have to make sure I get them all. All the really bad ones."


"I think not thinking you know things is making a bad mistake."


"I don't know things. Ripped the knowing out. And even if I hadn't I never see anything. Country could be at war and I wouldn't know it."

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