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Abadar uses a helm of opposite alignment on Hagan and a bad time is had by all
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And he holds her and cuddles her quietly.


She can be quiet and held if that's what he wants.


Eventually he will fall asleep.


She's not very good at sleeping but she will try.

She's still charmed when she wakes up. She is somewhat less exhausted.


He is up and praying.


She can sit here quietly and wait.



When he is done praying he smiles at her. "How're you doing -"



"- I don't know. I think I got enough sleep."


"Good. Do you think the spell is helping you feel more like yourself, or not -"


" - I don't know what that means."


"If you compare you under the spell I did last night to you the way you were before that, which one could you write more stories about?"



"I don't remember very much of how stories go."



I think I'll let it wear off, then, because it seems like it is affecting your ability to think and that seems very bad."




"It won't for a while yet, just - planning ahead. Why don't we get you back to your rooms and set up comfortably. And then - you can ask for me if you want me."



"I don't - know how to know if I want something."


"Uh, you can imagine getting it, and imagine not getting it, and see how you feel in each case?"



"I don't really feel - very many different things."


"I think maybe that's the spell? It shouldn't cause that effect but you've been, uh, miserable and out of it since I cast it."


She frowns and stares at the wall for a while. 

She doesn't think she was talking about the spell. She feels more things than she thinks she usually does right now. But she never feels very many things, mostly just different kinds of sadness and fear? Maybe she's supposed to weigh the different kinds of sadness and fear against each other, but that doesn't seem very correct.

She feels like she is forgetting something. Something about how wanting things works.



"I think I am not supposed to want things from you," she says, eventually.


" - I think you are? I am your husband. If you can't want things from your husband who can you want them from."


"Nobody," she says, without having to think about this one.


" - you know, I guess that's fair. 

You can want things from me. I won't always be able to do it but I'll always try."


That doesn't sound right at all. 

She is not supposed to contradict him, though.

She can't immediately think of anything to say about it, so she ends up staring at the wall for a while longer looking puzzled.


"I don't think I remember how."




"Oh. Uh, when I first kidnapped you, we went to a hat shop. And I asked you what color of hat you liked, and you said black, because you were - scared, because in Cheliax people don't tell anyone with power over them things like that. Do you remember?"

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