It's the anniversary. Glam would very much not like to celebrate.
It’s their last day on Winslow High—they’re being transferred to Arcadia on Monday—and also their last day without a patrol schedule assigned.
And the PRT released a small announcement on its website about Glam joining the Wards. Now their wiki page doesn’t get erased, of course—they’re no longer speculative. They wonder what it’s got on them.
They laugh. "Mm, your hands didn't look like plastic, unless you have a secret Changer power and never told me about it."
"Yeah. I wonder where the heck they even come from. Like, why did the universe decide to just up and start giving people powers randomly twenty years ago?"
"I wonder if the world would suck anywhere near as much if there were still powers but no Endbringers. It's not all their fault."
"Well, there'd still be the S9, the Sleeper, the Blasphemies, the E88, Nilbog, Glaistig Uaine, and who knows what other class S threats we never hear about. Probably not as much, though, three to four attacks that often end up destroying cities per year isn't something even all of those together could accomplish." Pause. "Maybe Glaistig Uaine and the Sleeper."
"Yeah. Which leads to the question of why the Endbringers do, and why there aren't any other giant monstrous capes that aren't evil. I mean, a sample size of three may be too small to really conclude anything, but." Shrug.
"Constructs or projections, maybe. They don't - they don't act human, and like you said, exactly three ultra-powerful giants all of whom coordinate despite appearing at different times is weird."
Sigh. "Yeah. But that'd leave the question of who made them. It'd explain why they haven't destroyed the world yet, though, if someone was controlling them."
"No it wouldn't. Well, it sort of might, but the pattern of behavior still doesn't make sense."
"I mean, if the person controlling them had some long game and wasn't just crazy. If they wanted to destroy the world they could have."
"Unless their power has weird limits which are beyond 'make Endbringers' but short of 'destroy world with them'."
"Like... what? I mean those'd be really weird limits, with what they've shown us they can do already. For one, choice of location."
"Or maybe the Endbringers are just Case 53s who woke up one day, discovered they were monsters, and decided to act like it, and they all formed a monster club, how would I know."