It is a time of turmoil in the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying systems is under dispute.
The powerful Trade Federation uses their private armies to enforce their extortionate tariffs, placing systems that do not submit under military blockade. Deep in the Core, the Senate endlessly debates the legality of such measures, though this is cold comfort to the suffering people of the Outer Rim.
In secret, the Supreme Chancellor dispatches teams of Jedi Knights, guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to troubled areas in order to settle the matter directly. In many of these places, this is the first time a Jedi has been seen in generations. Following their negotiations, some choose to remain on assignment for a time, dealing with other problems that have come to their attention...
She nods, then, after a pause: "I'm torn between spending tonight practicing Force stuff and reading about Naboo..."
"You'll have access to primary sources about Naboo tomorrow, if that makes a difference."
"Yeah, I think it does. Wanna practice Force stuff then - like, hiding from you when you're using the Force to look for me, or looking for you while you're hiding?"
"Okay." She does start settling in so she's comfortable for when she'll start.
She closes her eyes.
Drifting won't work here, she doesn't think, not the way she wants.
So she does what she used to do when she had a plan that needed her friend's help: she makes a little space in the whirlwind of her mind where her friend can flow alongside her, and she asks, 'Where is Elesse? How do I get to Elesse?'
She doesn't open her eyes as she stands - it's easier to listen when her own senses aren't arguing with her. Elesse isn't, according to her eyes, in front of her, after all.
But Elesse is before her in the way that counts.
Anakin starts to walk, with slow and measured steps, listening to the feed of knowledge from her friend.
She goes to find Elesse.
She leans against the wall, spends a little bit rocking deeper, listening - Elesse has to be using the Force, the Force is her friend and is flowing beside her, the Force is everywhere and the Force is where Elesse is -
A thought floats by her.
Anakin used to love stories about the trickster demon Sky-Walker, her family's namesake, who had a million billion faces and more names than stars - Anakin became convinced the Sky-Walker had to be in every story, partially because the Sky-Walker was the most interesting character ever, so she'd always ask which one's Sky-Walker until an elder got frustrated and said -
They're all the Sky-Walker.
It was the best story conclusion ever, according to six year old Anakin.
She smiles, remembering it.
She's Skywalker, the demon, and she is everyone and everywhere -
It takes her a while to fully settle into the thought, which she spends breathing, pondering.
Where is Elesse isn't the right question, not entirely.
If Skywalker is every character in the story -
Well, she can be Elesse, too.
Where is she?
She's fairly sure she's in this supply closet here. Just behind the vibro-mops.
But there's a faint echo, almost a heartbeat, right on the edge of perception. Three doors left.
Three doors left it is, eyes still closed, listening to her heart beating...
And here is Elesse.
"Well done," she says, unfolding from her meditation pose.
Heeeeeeee. "Thanks! That trick with pretending to be in the closet instead of just vanished was cool."
"Misdirection can be a valuable tool. Had I wished to ambush you, that would have been the point."
"Or if someone already knows you're there so vanishing doesn't work - can you make it seem like you're really far from your actual location, or do you have to be nearby?"
"Closer is easier. It also helps to be familiar with the location. The better you can picture yourself there, the more effective the trick is."
She hums. "I should work on getting faster at sensing when I'm being tricked, though that might be something I can start on my own - I figured out a different way of listening that I can practice next time I meditate. Pretending to be somewhere I'm not sounds fun as what to do next."