It is a time of turmoil in the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying systems is under dispute.
The powerful Trade Federation uses their private armies to enforce their extortionate tariffs, placing systems that do not submit under military blockade. Deep in the Core, the Senate endlessly debates the legality of such measures, though this is cold comfort to the suffering people of the Outer Rim.
In secret, the Supreme Chancellor dispatches teams of Jedi Knights, guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to troubled areas in order to settle the matter directly. In many of these places, this is the first time a Jedi has been seen in generations. Following their negotiations, some choose to remain on assignment for a time, dealing with other problems that have come to their attention...
She nods. "I guess that's in the Trade Federation's wheelhouse. Stupid to be invading people over money, though..."
"Droids are inflexible, limited by their programming. Even the most sophisticated cannot learn, grow, or adapt as fast as a living mind. Droid armies have been tried before, and they have always failed. Besides which, a central control is a single point of failure. It would make an individual droid easier and cheaper to manufacture and therefore there might be some volume advantages-"
"Oh is there ever-" mutters Obi-Wan.
"-But there would still be an upper limit to how many the processor can control at once before it becomes too big to be practical."
"Huh. But if it's cost effective it could let someone build a big army - quickly and in a way that outstrips their initial personnel capacity? Manufacture probably takes less time and money than training."
"Is that gonna cause problems for the Queen when she tries to rally her people?"
"Gungans... tall, amphibious, long ear-fins?" Qui-Gon nods. "Did they not fight the invasion?"
"They live primarily underwater, and on the outlying eastern islands. The Naboo are concentrated on the main continent in the south and west. The Trade Federation ignored them in the initial landings, and their relations with the Naboo extend mostly to agreements delineating plasmid harvesting regions. They're not formally part of the Republic, and don't much care what happens on the surface."
"It makes sense. I can't see the Trade Federation being content to let them remain unaligned and with harvesting rights. The trick will be in getting the Gungans to see that."
She nods. "So Trade Federation, and maybe separately, maybe connectedly angry desert guy going after the Queen... Anyone from her own planet angry at her?"
Elesse and Qui-Gon begin going over the political situation in finer detail. It'll be the Queen's responsibility to make any deals, but she likes to have a complete picture. She also presses a complete account of what happened on Naboo and Tatooine out of him.
Anakin listens intently, asking a few clarifying questions but mostly letting Elesse take the lead.
Eventually, dinner ends, and they make plans where to meet tomorrow, and depart back their separate rooms.
Anakin, of course, goes with Elesse, keeping beside her. "That was really informative," she says, humming a bit.