...very unseasonable rains can be seen in the distance from the shores of Acapulco.
The Brockton Bay Protectorate starts organizing volunteers to be transported or teletransported in batches to it. Heroes, rogues, villains, anyone's assistance is appreciated. A rendez-vous point is set for non-Protectorate capes wishing to volunteer, and Protectorate capes are informed of the situation via communication devices.
Lorica pauses, then she makes an exasperated noise and gets on the comm. "All capes be ready for another one of those lasers coming from west-northwest of bay, mark two upgrade, might boil the rain, might cause bits of Leviathan to enter orbit, twenty bucks says it gets rid of him no bet if it hits simultaneously with something -" That's as far as she gets before somebody kicks her off.
Building proceeds at an accelerated pace.
Leviathan is suspiciously silent and nondestructive.
...that is, with the exception of the hydrokinesis and torrential rain and non-tidal-waves.
And his nature is being pretty fucking fast and vicious, if they're favoring one leg it's not immediately obvious. Someone hits him with a laser—that was probably Legend—and he's pushed back, but he dodges from the laser and throws his afterimage at the hero, who has to quickly dodge.
Shoreline recedes—
The FWOOM noise is noticeably louder and the laser noticeably brighter than before. Leviathan is hit on the upper-right part of his chest, and suffers significantly more damage than before, being thrown back a-ways. The shoreline stops receding and slowly returns to its normal (for the fight) position, no tidal wave.
"Gun's warmed up now," Lorica says, "so it should be able to do that again right away, shouldn't it, Glam."
"There goes twenty bucks," mutters Lorica. "Robots say he's that way." She snaps her fingers and the nearest robot hovers in Leviathan's direction, hovering to match as he moves.
"I can't hit him like this!"
Eidolon, however, seems to have gotten his hands on a laser power similar to Legend's, and both of them shoot around the wounds created by Glam's gun.
Lorica mutters into her helmet. The tracking robot lands on the nose of the gun. "Let it turn the turret! Grease it or something if it can't follow that quick!"
"I can make it turn that quick!"
They make a thing—it's not particularly clear what it is, but it has a pointy end—appear in their right hand and duck under the turret to do—something. It does become significantly easier to turn, though.
This will, apparently, not be too necessary. Leviathan disengages from the two heroes and starts making his way towards the bay again—not in their building's direction.
He seems to be, indeed, leaving. He has taken more of a beating than he does most fights, especially without Scion, and the fact that other capes keep adding injury to injury is not helping.
He dives into the ocean.
Eventually the rainfall and sea movements start settling back into a pattern more like "were just affected by macro hydrokinesis" than "are currently being affected by macro hydrokinesis."
Which, mind you, is still very unnatural and a lot of water and poor visibility and all that, but there's less sense of purpose.
"Okay. That's that then," says Lorica. "Oh god I'm alive I'm alive -"
She activates a beacon for her dad. Presently he appears in a suit that looks a little like hers in design if not aesthetic. He hugs her.
Glam lets out a whoop and makes waterproof holographic fireworks appear as they dance a little on the spot.