...very unseasonable rains can be seen in the distance from the shores of Acapulco.
The Brockton Bay Protectorate starts organizing volunteers to be transported or teletransported in batches to it. Heroes, rogues, villains, anyone's assistance is appreciated. A rendez-vous point is set for non-Protectorate capes wishing to volunteer, and Protectorate capes are informed of the situation via communication devices.
"Think about it. Precog who likes fucking with people and has mind-affecting powers."
"It won't stand out too much. You don't go to multiple Simurgh fights unless you're outright immune anyway."
"It's not so much a safe distance as the point at which people no longer feel the song effects. Her precognitive range is definitely farther than that."
"True, but can we really make any plans taking the Simurgh's precognition into account? She's always playing the game one level higher than you, whatever level you're playing at."
"My judgment is you are particularly vulnerable and in more ways than most people and should not encounter her."
Barest of hesitations. "I still need people to believe it can be done. I know I can do it, but as long as most people's expectations are to just drive them away, I won't be able to."
"How much do your creations obey physics? If you throw one, and you couldn't calculate the ballistics in your head, does it land where you're trying to hit, or where it would actually hit, or what?"
"...I don't actually know. They've never violated common sense physics. As in, I've never been surprised by anything I've made, though I guess saying it like that it sounds obvious."
"Yeah. How about you throw a thing, I'll have a robot figure ballistics and go to catch it while you close your eyes?"
"Okay. Should I try believing anything in particular?" they ask, making a rubber duck appear in their hand.
"...Try believing that the bot will catch it, but don't look."
The robot calculates where it ought to go. The robot goes just under where that is supposed to be.
The duck is nonetheless in a position to be very catchable. In fact, even if the robot doesn't try to catch the duck, the duck will still at the very least fall on top of the robot or get stuck in an appendage or something like that. If the robot tries not to catch the duck, though, it will succeed.
The robot waits until the duck ought to be sailing over its rotor, then reaches for it.