It is, all things considered, a very nice drawing room. Portraits adorn the walls and the heavy drapes are open to let starlight from the moonless night through. There's a table far too small for the large room with a pot of tea, a set of tea cups and an arrangement of cookies and fruit. Two oaken doors are firmly closed to one side, and to the other a single door is slightly ajar, the sound of sobbing coming from past it. Every once in a while it's possible to hear a page being turned in the other room as well. The drawing room on its own is silent, save for the ticking of a grandfather clock and then, with no prelude, an exclamation.
A tall six-armed mannequin stands at the edge of a bed containing a young crying woman. The mannequin is wearing a suit and holding a large book which it promptly snaps closed when Haru enters, folding the book and its arms into its torso before somehow folding its torso into itself, vanishing.
The young woman takes a moment to get her breathing under control so words can work.
"What is the emergency?"
"Oh, hm, if it's safe for you to wait a minute outside my drawing room, I can be with you sh-shortly."
Lucette summons a servant with the tap of a plate ringing loudly enough to be heard outside her quarters, and so in fifteen minutes she is dressed an amount that won't be scandalous and can sit down with the strange man in her drawing room.
"Sorry for the delay - I'm Lucette Oakhill, this is my family's city manor outside of London."
"Nobles with abilities beyond what everyone else has - well, not strictly only nobility but there are few exceptions here."
"You are confident of this?" Information about distant lands is not especially reliable so far as Lucette can tell.
"Well then... I'm curious for information about your land of origin but perhaps it is more immediately useful for me to answer questions about mine."
"Being as it's the one we're in, yes. I'm coming to the conclusion that the apparent low-technology situation isn't just for the aesthetic, so there's that, what year is it?"
"...I'm from 2034. Espers started being a thing in the 1970s, but I'm pretty sure that demons were not a thing in my world even in this calendar year."