It is, all things considered, a very nice drawing room. Portraits adorn the walls and the heavy drapes are open to let starlight from the moonless night through. There's a table far too small for the large room with a pot of tea, a set of tea cups and an arrangement of cookies and fruit. Two oaken doors are firmly closed to one side, and to the other a single door is slightly ajar, the sound of sobbing coming from past it. Every once in a while it's possible to hear a page being turned in the other room as well. The drawing room on its own is silent, save for the ticking of a grandfather clock and then, with no prelude, an exclamation.
"Oh, I'd still probably like to hear quite a lot about everything that happens."
"In this world demons, and the empowered they haunt, have existed for over three centuries."
"Each empowered has a corresponding demon in addition to extraordinary abilities. The demon grows in power over time and can be kept relatively under control by giving it regular chances to haunt the empowered, though ultimately it's necessary to limit their growth via marrying another empowered."
"For those of us who just arrived from another dimension and know the world 'haunt' as an exclusively fictional or metaphorical word..."
"They didn't initially, but it was initially feasible to become a noble if you were empowered and it runs in families. Additionally, it is difficult to survive without knowledge of how you have to allow hauntings and marry and few commoners know those things, so the occasional commoner who is empowered either fails to handle their demon or is shunned or killed. At least that's my best guess - people do not often talk about empowered commoners and many nobles deny they exist at all."
"Before they have fully manifested they'll just vanish as mine did. Usually, if anyone is around besides their victim they'll vanish until they are strong enough at which point they'll probably still vanish if threatened sufficiently I expect. Once they have manifested fully it can be possible to kill them but it is very very difficult to do so and requires scores of empowered working together, at least some of whom will not survive the attempt."
"I assume that somebody's already tested what counts as someone being 'around' and has tried to kill a demon with a longbow?"
"Within sight is sufficient for being around, and any individual empowered who is being haunted can do much more damage than a longbow."
"So, hypothetically, if your demon couldn't tell if I was in the room or not, and I did a lot of damage to it, would this be a good thing?"
What a suggestion.
"I would still expect it to avoid the damage or vanish but I'm not certain which. Married couples can co-habitate during each other's hauntings and don't to my knowledge have the ability to significantly impede their demons in doing so."
"I don't want to demonstrate, because my magical powers have side effects - no demons, just side effects - that I can't get rid of if there aren't other espers around, but if there's a way to get me to and from home I think it might be worth trying. I kill monsters professionally."
"I... would avoid repeating this suggestion to others until such a time as it became feasible, if I were you."
"Being present for another's haunting typically only occurs for married couples and the proposal that you do so, however much a plausibly good idea, sounds very much like you are proposing you participate in something that is ordinarily reserved for marriage."
"Ah, well, as you have apparently derived that was not my intention, I don't have to want to marry people or do anything remotely like it to want to save them from monsters, I save dozens of people from monsters every week and then never hear from them again."
"Yes, like I said. In my world esper is the world for a person with powers. I can turn selectively imperceptible and I can fly, though, again, not doing it right now."
"Flight is near universal among empowered." She'd demonstrate but it would probably be unladylike and she doesn't have a good enough reason to justify doing it anyways. Also she's really bad at it.