Sadde hmms again and casts again and mist! Okay, that's an improvement.
"Not really, I mean, more than usual, but mostly it was the spending it with you and visiting Karen."
"Getting a spell I'd been looking forward to doing to work. The hair-braiding one."
"Getting Alohomora to work. Though I guess I hadn't really had a story of wanting it to work for a long time before doing it, it's just been the hardest one so far."
He shrugs. "I have a feeling that not telling you things is not a good way to go around you."
"It would not generate me a particularly good quality Patronus mist or anything."
He grins. "After the panties incident, Arens started locking his trunk. I think he figured a simple Colloportus would be enough to stop the inept muggle firsty."
"I left a note inside it saying that he'd never find what I took, without taking anything."