She is all over it at lunch.
"Okay, so, Transfig is just about the coolest thing," she says first thing to the Ravenclaws as soon as she sits at the table.
He pouts. "I don't currently have another cause in mind, but given that I've collected three of them in my first week, I make no promises. Anyway, why would having another cause mess this one up?"
"Oh, sure," he waves his hand dismissively. "I mean, for now my activities are getting really good at Potions, talking to any disgruntled House Elves I might find lying around, and being really incredibly friendly to the other Slytherin firsties all year. I've got some leftover energy still, and since yooooou will be helping me fix Slytherin, that won't even take up that much of my time!" Grin.
"I'm not prioritizing it that highly! If I thought that was a priority I'd be in Slytherin!"
"Awwwwww," he says, still grinning. "I know that, but even if you just help me a little that's already some stuff off my own plate, yeah? Besides, it's not like you currently have any other projects going on, and no one needs to know you're helping me so your reputation will remain immaculate." He seems really proud of the word 'immaculate.' "Except for the part where you're my friend, but I'm gonna be at least on friendly terms with enough firsties that you won't stand out so much!"
"It does too count, it's a time and energy sink too, and what makes you think I don't have any projects? They're just quiet and mostly in information gathering stages."
"Oh come on! I won't tell anyone! And I could help! Maybe! Or maybe not but if I don't know what they are I can't know just tell me pleeeeeease?"
"This is revenge for teasing you about the Slytherin thing, isn't it," he says, his head still on the table.
"Well, that and just plain good sense. I give you a secret that I do want kept but that nobody could verify and if there is an inkling of it anywhere else I know you can't be trusted."
He straightens up and does the same, this time regular human-shaped tongue instead.