She is all over it at lunch.
"Okay, so, Transfig is just about the coolest thing," she says first thing to the Ravenclaws as soon as she sits at the table.
"Oh! Yeah, those things, and CERN is this particle physics research facility, and erm, particle physics is..." She stops, apparently at a loss on how to explain particle physics to a witch.
"They study the rules that govern how the world works, at a very very very very very very very very small scale, like so small humans can't even wrap our heads around it."
"Erm, I dunno. I think there's something about throwing stuff at other stuff really fast and then measuring the results and figuring out if this makes sense when you suppose this or that particle was involved...?"
"Anyway, it's kind of a really big deal to work there, I think, 'cause only the very best physicists do, and to be a physicist in the first place you need to be really really smart and good at maths."
Sadde decides mingling in the Common Room might not be the very best of ideas. He goes to his room instead, alone.
He's less surprised by her. "Hello, Winky! It's nice to meet you," he says, a bit more cheerfully than he's feeling. Suddenly the 'talks about feelings all the time' has a whole new context.
"Erm. Something like that," he says, wondering what can of worms he has just opened.
Winky promptly starts bawling. There are intelligible words in it. "Mr. Crouch was needing Winky! He was trusting Winky to look after Master Barty and W-Winky was a bad elf and now they is both dead and Winky cannot ever ever go home! Should have been trying harder and not been afraid of heights, should have been keeping Master Barty safe all along from those bad wizards, Winky failed Mistress and Mr. Crouch and Master Barty all three!"
"It's okay, Winky! Erm. Can you tell me about what you're feeling, though? Like, less what you did, more what's actually going on inside?"
This is definitely not going as expected.
...well, that suggests he'd expected something, which he hadn't, not in so many words, but still, if he'd thought about it long enough to form an expectation this would not have been it.
"Winky is keeping her masters' silence," sniffs Winky. "But - but Winky is having to do a difficult task and it was so high and Winky was afraid and did not pay good attention and Master Barty got into such terrible trouble and Mr. Crouch sacked Winky and - and he was right to do it because Winky was a bad elf."
Okay, that first part was interesting. "Didn't you say they had, erm, passed away? Why are you still keeping their silence?"
He's pretty sure the moment he says they're dead with as many words she's going to start bawling again and he really doesn't want that.