She is all over it at lunch.
"Okay, so, Transfig is just about the coolest thing," she says first thing to the Ravenclaws as soon as she sits at the table.
"And, er, I don't know if I can turn into a five-year-old. I've never really tried. It feels like I should be able to, if I can turn various parts of my body into animal parts I see no reason why I shouldn't turn into a five-year-old. But well, I guess I ought to try this not-here, maybe in the shower when I won't have robes getting too large—and too small, I'll definitely try to go all grown up."
"I'm not sure what the attitudes before him were except that they didn't result in commonplace immortality. I'll be interested in your experimental results though."
They have Herbology together, which is nice. Today they will be harvesting seeds from Singing Mustard.
The wizarding world is an endless string of wonders.
She spots more movement than she expects plants to be capable of over there but is ushered further inside too quickly to really see what that was.
"Are there plants that can, like, move?" she asks the non-muggleborn witches.
"Sure," says Karen. "Like, most of them can't pick up and walk, but a lot of them can wave around. There's a tree on the grounds that will hit you if you get too close, it's called the Whomping Willow, don't go near it."
"Huh," she says. "Most of them? So are there any that can in fact pick up and walk?"
Class continues happening. While it's happening, Sadde has that abstracted, thoughtful look on her face that she usually has when she's about to suggest things like breaking bones on purpose just to see if she can morph them better.
"Did you think of something bizarre to do with singing mustard, Sadde?"
"Not as such, no," she says. "I'm just thinking about whether plants that can move hate me as much as most animals do."
"I have absolutely no idea!" she says brightly. "They just do. I have no scars to prove it because those I know I can morph away, but if I couldn't I'd have lots! I think the only reason Richard doesn't hate me is because all the other owls in the shop seemed to want to pick on me as much as they picked on him. We're kindred sooouuulllssss."
"Well, then I guess it depends, whether the plants will hate you too, but if you smell weird or you're loud or something then plants which can't smell or hear might like you fine."
"I don't think noise level is as constant a part of me as the number of incidents with animals in my life would imply. Scent might be it." She steals a glance at the corner where she saw movement from. All seems quiet. "I think I wanna test that," she whispers.
...basically, she crouches so the Professor can't easily spot her and starts slowly approaching the corner where she saw movement.
"Hello, you little cutie pie," she coos, looking over her shoulder every now and then to make sure she's still out of Professor's Sprout sight.