Steel in Wormverse
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"We need shielding and moderators, what elements can you conjure? Boron, silver, indium, cadmium, stuff like that? And do you have a way to deal with excess heat?"


"I can make all those in sufficient quantity. I can make a heat sink, but it might not be enough."


"Please tell me you're already on your way here."


"Still fighting B. It's busy out here." Another statue 'dies'. She puts a boulder between B and some cape with giant cat ears on their costume, but lightning just curves around it. "Waste of time to fly there unless you think it'll work. Will it?"


"It has a higher chance of working and not causing a fucking explosion than anything else!"

"Then I'm on my way."

She finishes her current task (moving an entire building, including the shelter under it, out of the path of Behemoth's kill radius) then flies for the reactor. The comms system is handy - she doesn't get lost thanks to a computerized voice giving her directions.

She has a medium-size pile of the requested elements in a ball in front of her by the time she gets there. She lands hard in front of the first science-looking person. "Mountain here to help clear the reactor. Clock's ticking, where to?"
The science-looking person looks at her. "Reactors, there are four. This way."

He leads her to the appropriate location. "You won't be able to actually look at the material, will that be a problem?" Her English is heavily accented, but understandable.

"I can already feel them. The rods of stuff producing intense heat, slowly changing into something else, surrounded by water, correct?"


"Yes, that's right. Behemoth will probably want to create some huge reaction here and make this go boom." Dumbing it down a bit to the non-physicist, maybe?


Not the time to quibble over manners. "Okay, and the rods of cadmium and friends-" She waves her ball of alloy "-nearby the fuel, you need more of those?"


"Yes, several more. Behemoth will supercharge it, or something, we have no way to know what exactly he's planning."


"Right. So I give it more moderators, more shielding. If I can cool it down enough too can I pick the whole thing up and send it away from Behemoth?" She is floating briskly towards the reactor buildings during this. Her ball of alloy breaks up into four chunks and starts working its way into the reactors. The control rods extend and bulk up - she asks for advice on how exactly to pattern them and follows it rigidly.


"If you manage to pick all buildings up and send them away without disturbing the material in any way, and then very gently drop them in an appropriate location, yes," she says skeptically.


She looks distant for a moment. "...I'm strong enough. Fine control on something as big as this whole complex would be a bit iffy. Still need the cooling though, right?"


"Yes, especially the cooling. Are you doing it?"

"Built a heat sink, but it doesn't seem to be helping. It's still only the water flow is keeping it from melting..."

She taps her comm device. "Mountain reporting. Reactor is stabilized, but not for long if Behemoth gets here. I can pick up the whole thing and fly away if we get someone to cool the interior well enough. Any tinkers or shakers think they can do it?"
This is Behemoth, having someone to cool stuff is par for the course. Having someone who can cool the interior of a nuclear reactor...

"What exactly will you need?" someone asks.

Brief consult with the Science People, then: "If I move this place the coolant pumps will shut off. The reactors keep making heat for a day or two even after they're shut down, just not as much. I just need the reactors to not melt for ten minutes to half an hour while I move the whole building and they start the pumps again. About eighty megawatts' worth of heat right now."


Silence for a few seconds, then, "Someone's coming over."

"Roger." Don't Chatter On The Comms During A Fight is a sensible rule. She wants to know how it's going, but she can just listen to comms to figure out that it seems to be Not Well.

She redesigns her heat sinks, which still doesn't help that much, and puts more shielding over both the reactors and the piles of waste sitting in a big pool in different corner of the building. And she waits.

Eventually someone arrives, a cape with a blue-and-red costume with fiery designs on the blue part and icy ones on the red part. "I can cool stuff off, tell me where to go."

She's extended the heat sink out more, but metal can only transfer heat so fast.

"This way."

It's a grid of metal fanning out in all directions, a classic heat sink. The parts closer to the reactors are glowing red. "Here it is, tell me if you need to get closer to the center and I'll make a radiation shield. The nuclear people say alarms would be going off if there were dangerous amounts of radiation here, should be safe for now, but we still want to be as fast as possible obviously."
"This is close enough," he says, and closes his eyes.

...and doesn't seem to do much of anything more than that. Except he's certainly doing something, or so say the measuring apparatuses who seem to indicate heat disappearing into the Abyss.
It's definitely helping... The core temperature is dropping, and the fuel's heat output is steadily decreasing. But the Nuclear People say it's not enough. Too risky to try and move the thing with just Freeze Guy cooling it unless Behemoth is getting really close. Damn.

She tries to extend and optimize the heat sinks more. She attempts to replace the pumps and finds that she doesn't have anywhere near enough finesse to do that. It's still not enough, and Behemoth keeps getting closer. She swears some, and asks Freeze Guy to keep it up anyway. How can this be solved? She doesn't know what kind of capes are here. What resources there are. With one exception.

She tells the comms, "Scientists think the reactors are still too hot to risk moving. Is there anyone else who can cool things or move water? Is Glam still in the fight? If so tell them I need their freeze ray."
Freeze ray...?

"On my way!"

Freeze Guy says he'll soon need to discharge this heat somewhere.
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