A third of the world is covered by the howling maelstrom that was born a century ago. It is not ordinarily a place you'd find people surviving, but sometimes things appear in it. Strange things - otherworldly things - brought into the mist of a howling storm of cloudy dust and wind that blows in whichever direction it wants.
It is fine with Pelape for Eefa to be her shadow.
She brings her empty but not clean dish with her to Housekeeping to show off live. They want her doing that and also laundry. They work out a shift schedule and an arrangement for someone to come wake her up for it while she's adjusting to the time zone. She'll be able to earn the room at Elysium and the meals it comes with for both of them in four hours a day and pick up credit for days off with more work. Absolutely no one remarks that really her hair would need to be purple to comply with the housekeeping dress code.
"I don't think so. I'm not washing them, just using my power - do you have a power like that?" Pelape asks, moving silverware from a dirty pile to a clean pile one at a time.
"- sure. With the silverware, I don't know how much they'll put on our tab if we break a dish."
It's a really tedious way to spend hours of her life but she can liven it up a little bit by playing with the edges of her power, at least.
Eefa eventually becomes proficient enough at sorting utensils that she can watch Pelape while doing so.
It's not that interesting to watch. She picks up the dishes from the counter on the left - it's not all silverware, sometimes Eefa's got lulls when it's plates and glasses instead, though some of the glasses are plastic and she can sort those - and all the mess sloughs off them into the compost bucket she was provided and she puts the clean one with its fellows on the table to the right. Sometimes other kitchen staff bring more dirty dishes or take away the clean ones.
She's gotten the sense that Eefa's private about her history or just shy or something so she's not going to pry and she can't think of much else to talk about that isn't "why didn't the traffickers steal your can of food" or "are you SURE you don't have a family who miss you" or anything.
Well Eefa isn't going to talk but she will eventually get bored enough to try stacking utensils interestingly.
"Yes, and because it is a normal floor, people walk on it and it becomes dirty."
"Not all dirt is visible. I wouldn't trust my power to get the dishes clean if they didn't also feel clean to the touch and I'm still not completely sure it's good enough, I just think it's probably at least as good as whatever they were doing here before."
"On my planet we've got devices that let us look really closely at things and see the invisible dirt."